Černobil, Fukušima, Three Mile Island
Polona Kresnik (Author), Silvo Devetak (Mentor)


Težka nuklearna nesreča ima neizogiben vpliv preko državnih mej in njene posledice lahko neposredno ali posredno prizadenejo mnoge države, daleč od kraja nesreče. Spoznanje tega je vodilo do prizadevanj, da se razširi in okrepi mednarodno sodelovanje na področjih, kot so komunikacije, usklajevanje meril vodenja v sili in koordinacije zaščitenih ukrepov. V zadnjem času lahko zasledimo številne dosežene izboljšave, ter mednarodne mehanizme sodelovanja in obveščanja z zakoni in konvencijami, kot so: Konvencija o jedrski varnosti, Konvencija o zgodnjem obveščanju in pomoči ob radiološki nesreči, Konvencija o pomoči v primeru jedrske nesreče ali radiološke nevarnosti in še številne druge. Možnost za nastanek nuklearne nesreče je majhna in res mora priti do velike napake, da se zgodi nesreča, katera pa terja posledice še desetletja po nesreči. Zelo pomembno je, da je natančno začrtan sistem, ki določa odgovornost za jedrsko škodo in višino odškodnine, izplačane oškodovancem. Ker se tukaj odvijajo ogromne vsote denarja za pokritje nuklearne nesreče je pravično, da poleg uporabnika nuklearne naprave, ki je za nuklearno nesrečo izključno odgovoren, odgovarja tudi država, kajti le tako bodo oškodovanci prišli do ustrezne povrnitve nastale škode. Iz strokovnih virov je moč razbrati, da je do zgodovinsko največje nuklearne nesreče v Černobilu in posledično škodljivih zdravstvenih posledic prišlo zaradi političnega sistema, ki je zaradi svoje kulturne zaprtosti zatiral vzpodbudo varnostne kulture, katero bi lahko prilagodili delovanju jedrskih objektov. Po tej nesreči so reaktorje tipa RMBK bistveno izboljšali, k čemu so pripomogli tudi zahodni jedrski strokovnjaki, prav tako pa so ustrezno usposobili tudi operaterje. Cilj ureditve odgovornosti za nuklearno škodo je zagotoviti oškodovancem ustrezno povračilo nastale škode, vendar pa tudi uporabniki nuklearnih naprav ne bi smeli biti izpostavljeni neomejenim finančnim bremenom, ampak jim je treba omogočiti, da finančno breme svoje odgovornosti vnaprej predvidijo in zavarujejo. Vse druge osebe, ki bi po splošnih pravilih odškodninskega prava utegnile biti odgovorne, pa je treba iz sistema neposredne odgovornosti izključiti.


odškodninska odgovornost države;nuklearna odškodninska odgovornost;mednarodne konvencije;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [P. Kresnik]
UDC: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4343595 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2886
Downloads: 297
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: A severe nuclear accident has inevitable cross-border influence and its consequences can directly and indirectly affect many countries, regardless how far they are from the location of the accident. Comprehension of this fact led to efforts to extend and strengthen international cooperation on areas such as communication, harmonisation of standards of crisis management and coordination of protection measures. Lately, many achieved improvements, international cooperation and communication mechanisms with laws and conventions can be noted, i.e.: Convention on Nuclear Safety, Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, Convention on Assistance in the case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency etc. Chances for a nuclear accident are minimal and there has to be a severe mistake for an accident to happen although its consequences last for several decades afterwards. It is of the greatest importance to establish precisely defined system, which determines responsibilities for nuclear damage and amount of damages to be paid to the injured parties. Extremely large sums play a role in covering for damages which occur as a consequence of a nuclear accident, therefore it is only fair that in addition to the operator of the nuclear installation, which is exclusively liable for the nuclear accident, also the state bears a part of liability, because that is the only way that injured parties receive adequate compensation. According to scientific sources, the main reason for historically largest nuclear accident in Černobil and consequently negative effects on health was a political system which had been culturally enclosed and had suppressed promotion of safety culture, which could have been adjusted to the operation of nuclear installations. After this accident, the reactors of the RMBK type were essentially improved with help of western nuclear experts, and operators were adequately trained. The goal of regulating of liability for nuclear damage is to ensure injured parties appropriate compensation. However, the operators of nuclear installations should not be exposed to unlimited financial burden. Moreover, they should be enabled to anticipate and insure the financial burden of their liability. All other persons that could be liable according to the general rules of tort law should be excluded from the system of immediate liability.
Secondary keywords: : liability of the state;liability of the operator;nuclear tort law;international conventions;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: IX, 83 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 1000961
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