diplomsko delo
Jasmina Muratović (Author), Jurij Toplak (Mentor)


Parlamentarni sistem se je izoblikoval na podlagi načela delitve oblasti. Zakonodajna, izvršilna in sodna veja oblasti so po tem načelu ločene med seboj, vendar med njimi velja sistem zavor in ravnovesij. Organi državne oblasti se pri svojem delovanju nadzorujejo in hkrati med seboj sodelujejo, cilj tega pa je preprečevanje zlorabe oblasti. V parlamentarnem sistemu je vlada nosilec izvršilne veje oblasti. Vlada je za svoje delo odgovorna parlamentu, od parlamenta pa je odvisen tudi njen obstoj. Razmerje med parlamentom in vlado je zelo pomembno, saj lahko nesoglasja med njima privedejo do zamenjave vlade, prav tako pa tudi do razpustitve parlamenta. Parlament ima na voljo več institutov, ki zagotavljajo nadzorstvo parlamenta nad delom vlade, in sicer poslanska vprašanja, interpelacija ter glasovanje o nezaupnici. V diplomskem delu smo te instrumente vsebinsko predstavili ter prikazali uporabo le-teh v Republiki Sloveniji. Parlamentarni sistem je prisoten v večini evropskih držav, vendar pa ni enoten. Razlike se kažejo v oblikovanju, sestavi in v položaju vlade, ki ga ima do ostalih dveh vej oblasti. Diplomsko delo obravnava proces oblikovanja vlade v parlamentarnem sistemu ter v Republiki Sloveniji, pri tem pa izpostavlja odstopanja naše ureditve od klasičnega parlamentarnega sistema, predvsem glede politične odgovornosti vlade. Oblikovanje vlade v naši ustavni ureditvi v marsičem odstopa od klasičnega parlamentarnega sistema in se v veliki meri zgleduje po posebnostih nemške ureditve. V skladu z nemškim vzorom je bil v našo ureditev prevzet model konstruktivne nezaupnice, s katerim se vzpostavlja sistem, ki naj bi čim bolj okrepil stabilnost vlade. Vendar pa obstaja bistvena razlika med slovenskim in nemškim ustavnim sistemom glede oblikovanja vlade. Na personalno sestavo nemške vlade parlament nima nikakršnega formalnega vpliva, medtem ko ima na personalno sestavo slovenske vlade parlament ključni vpliv, saj le-ta imenuje in razrešuje ministre slovenske vlade. To je tudi eden od razlogov, da bi bile nujne ustavne spremembe, na kar ustavnopravna stroka že dolgo opozarja. V diplomskem delu smo tako predstavili že predlagane spremembe ustave glede oblikovanja vlade v Republiki Sloveniji ter podali svoj predlog ustavnih sprememb.


ustavno pravo;ustava;delitev oblasti;parlament;državni zbor;interpelacija;nezaupnica;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Sevnica
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [J. Muratović]
UDC: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4197419 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4389
Downloads: 518
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The parliamentary system has formed on the basis of the principle of separation of powers. According to this principle legislative, executive and judicial branch of power are separated from one another, with established system of checks and balances. All three branches of power control the work of another and also cooperate with each other, all with the aim of preventing abuse of power. In the parliamentary system the government is the holder of the executive branch of powers. For its work Government is accountable to Parliament, even more, its existence depends on the Parliament. The relation between Parliament and Government is very important; disagreements between them may lead to replacement of Government and also to dissolution of Parliament. Parliament has a number of institutes that provide supervision over the work of Government, namely parliamentary questions, interpellation and vote of no confidence. In this diploma work we present the content of these instruments and the use of them in the Republic of Slovenia. The parliamentary system is present in most European countries, but it varies. The differences are reflected in the formation, composition and position of Government against the other two branches of power. Diploma work deals with the process of forming Government in the parliamentary system and in the Republic of Slovenia, while highlighting the deviations of our system from the classical parliamentary system regarding political accountability of the Government. In many aspects forming Government in our constitutional system varies from the classical parliamentary system and is mainly based on special features of the German system. According to the German example we emplaced a model of constructive vote of no confidence in our system to strengthen the stability of the Government. But there is a major difference between the Slovenian and the German constitutional system regarding forming a Government. German Parliament has no formal effect on the personal composition of the Government, while the Slovenian parliament has the key influence on the personal composition of the Government, as it appoints and dismisses ministers of the Slovenian Government. That is one of the reasons constitutional changes are needed, like the profession has long been pointing at. In the diploma work we introduce past suggestions for the changes of the constitution and offer our proposals.
Secondary keywords: constitution;Government;separation of powers;parliament;National Assembly;forming Government;parliamentary question;interpellation;vote of no confidence;vote of confidence;appointment of ministers;constitutional changes;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fakulteta
Pages: 85 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 1001337