diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Jernea Brezovnik (Author), Andrej Štrukelj (Mentor), Vukašin Ačanski (Co-mentor), Borut Macuh (Co-mentor)


Vedno manj prostora v mestnih središčih, strnjena pozidava vedno večjih stavb, visok dnevni pritok vozil v ta središča je le nekaj razlogov, da se vse pogosteje, predvsem pri poslovnih in stanovanjskih objektih, gradijo podzemne garaže in podobni podzemni objekti. Taki objekti se običajno načrtujejo tik do sosednjih objektov. Za njihovo izgradnjo je potrebno gradbeno jamo ustrezno zavarovati, na izbiro vrste varovanja pa vpliva mnogo dejavnikov. To so sestava tal, globina podtalnice, globina izkopa, bližina sosednjih objektov, ohranitev kulturne dediščine in podobno. V nalogi je prikazana tehnologija izvedbe podzemne garažne hiše Kongresni trg v Ljubljani, katere izgradnja je zaradi že omenjenih dejavnikov in nekaterih dodatnih unikatna in zelo zanimiva. Podrobneje obravnava varovanje gradbene jame z uporabo armiranobetonske diafragme, princip gradnje garaže po tehnologiji bele kadi, razpiranje gradbene jame z jeklenimi cevmi, ki so vzporedno z gradnjo omogočale arheološka izkopavanja in specifično gradnjo garaže od zgoraj navzdol, tako imenovano od ''strehe proti temeljem''.


gradbeništvo;tehnologija gradnje;podzemne garaže;varovanje gradbene jame;AB diafragma;bela kad;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [J. Brezovnik]
UDC: 624.191(043.2)
COBISS: 16730646 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2615
Downloads: 514
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Construction technology of the underground parking house Kongresni trg in Ljubljana
Secondary abstract: Less and less space in city centers, condense construction of increased number of bigger buildings and high daily influx of vehicles into the centers are recently just few reasons for construction of amplified number of underground garages and similar underground facilities particularly in connection with commercial and residential buildings. Such facilities are usually designed just close to neighboring buildings. For their construction it is necessary to adequately protect the construction pit, whereas the selection of protection type is reliant on many factors; these are the type of soil, groundwater depth, the depth of excavation, proximity of neighboring buildings, preservation of cultural heritage and similar. The work presents the implementation of the construction technology of underground parking garage Kongresni trg in Ljubljana. Due to the aforementioned factors the construction itself is unique and very interesting. The work elaborates the protection of construction pit, using reinforced concrete diaphragms, the principle of building a garage by technology white vat, opening the construction pit by steel pipes that allowed archaeological excavations parallel to the specific construction of garage from top to bottom, called "roof to foundation” technology.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;technology of construction;underground parking house;securing protection of the construction pit;diaphragm wall;white vat;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo
Pages: XV, 129 f.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;engineering;technology in general;inženirstvo;tehnologija na splošno;civil and structural engineering in general;gradbena tehnika;gradbeništvo;substructures;earthworks;foundations;tunnelling;spodnje nosilne konstrukcije (podporne konstrukcije;spodnji ustroji);zemeljska dela (ki so rezultat izkopavanja in nasipanja);temelji;gradnja predorov;
ID: 1001513
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