delo diplomskega seminarja
Marina Bevk (Author), Karin Širec (Mentor)


Tehnološki razvoj lahko razumemo kot uvajanje avtomatizacije v podjetje kot dopolnitev metod in proizvodnih procesov, ki so v uporabi, ali pri ustvarjanju novih, kakovostnejših proizvodov, hkrati pa racionalnejšo rabo surovin. Kadar gre v podjetju za zniževanje stroškov, lahko tudi le-to pospešuje razvoj tehnologije in omogoča pogoje za rast in razvoj podjetja. Značilnost sodobne ravni tehnološkega razvoja je še intenzivno izobraževanje kadrov, saj je znanje sestavna prvina novih, na znanosti zasnovanih tehnologij, pa tudi na sposobnosti njihovega izkoriščanja. Tehnološki razvoj označuje tudi uporaba novih metod pri organiziranju in upravljanju proizvodnih sistemov. Vse to v temeljih spreminja gospodarstvo in družbo (Pregrad in Musil, 2001). Namen diplomskega seminarja je ugotoviti, kakšen je vpliv tehnološkega razvoja na rast in razvoj podjetja Eurodesign Apače, d. o .o. Raziskavo smo omejili na delno proučevanje avtomatizirane tehnološke linije, ki bi morala zaradi narave dela biti popolnoma avtomatizirana in ne le delno, pri tem pa smo upoštevali tudi pomanjkanje ugodnih finančnih sredstev za posodobitev. S pomočjo študijske literature domačih in tujih avtorjev smo sprva ugotovili značilnosti tehnološkega razvoja ter pomen rasti in razvoja podjetja. Ugotovili smo, da ima tehnološki razvoj vpliv na gospodarstvo in družbo, saj zaostajanje v dinamiki tehnološkega razvoja povzroča gospodarsko zaostajanje in stagnacijo. Tehnološka podjetja pa lahko svoje prednosti v tehnologiji in znanju izkoristijo za razvoj konkurenčnejših izdelkov in storitev. V nadaljevanju smo podrobneje opisali tudi pogoje za rast podjetja in njihove ovire, prav tako pa tudi pomen znanja za rast in razvoj podjetja ter vpliv znanja na konkurenčnost podjetja, pri katerem mislimo na izboljševanje strukture izobrazbe prebivalstva ter dvig učinkovitosti izobraževanja in izboljšanje kakovosti pridobljenega znanja. Spoznali smo, da gre pri rasti podjetja za spremembo v velikosti ali v obsegu, ki je lahko tako pozitivna kot negativna ter da h gospodarski rasti vplivajo tudi raziskave in razvoj podjetja. Temu sledi lastna raziskava, kjer smo opredelili razloge in cilje vlaganja podjetja Eurodesign Apače, d. o. o., v tehnološki razvoj ter usklajenost tehnološkega razvoja s strategijami gospodarskega razvoja. Dodatno nas je zanimala še tržna prognoza z investicijo in planiran promet podjetja z investicijo v tehnološko opremo.


tehnološki razvoj;tehnološke inovacije;inovacije;invencije;rast podjetja;razvoj podjetja;znanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Apače
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Bevk]
UDC: 005.412
COBISS: 10459676 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3110
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimpact of the technological development on the growth and development of the company Eurodesign Apače, Ltd.
Secondary abstract: Technological developments can be understood as the introduction of automation in the company as a complement to the methods and production processes that are in use or in creating new, higher-quality products while more rational use of raw materials. Where is the company to lower costs, can they do facilitate the development of technology and provides the conditions for growth and development of the company. Feature of the modern level of technological development is an intensive training of personnel as an integral element of new knowledge, a knowledge-based technologies, as well as the ability of their exploitation. Technological development also indicates the use of new methods of organizing and managing production systems. All this has fundamentally changing economy and society (Pregrad and Musil, 2001). The purpose of the thesis is to determine what the impact of technological development in the growth and development of the company Eurodesign Apače Ltd. The survey was limited to the study of partially automated technological line, which should be the nature of the work to be fully automated and not only partially, while taking into account the lack of affordable finance for modernization. Through essays on domestic and foreign artists were initially observed characteristics of technological development and the importance of business growth and development. We found that technological developments have an impact on the economy and society as a lag in the dynamics of technological development leads to economic backwardness and stagnation. Technology companies may have advantages in the use of technology and knowledge to develop competitive products and services. Below we describe in detail the conditions for growth companies and their barriers, as well as the importance of knowledge for firm growth and development of knowledge and the competitiveness of an enterprise in which we think of improving the structure of education of the population and boost the effectiveness of education and improving the quality of acquired knowledge. We have seen that growth is in business for a change in size or scale that can be both positive and negative, and that to economic growth is also influenced by research and development company. This is followed by its own research, where we identify the reasons and objectives of the investment company Eurodesign Apače Ltd Technology in the development and coordination of technological development with economic development strategies. Additionally we were interested in the investment market forecast and planned turnover of the investment in technological equipment.
Secondary keywords: technological development;technological innovation;invention;innovation;business growth;business development;knowledge.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 47 str.
Keywords (UDC): science and knowledge;organization;computer science;information;documentation;librarianship;institutions;publications;znanost in znanje;organizacije;informacije;dokumentacija;bibliotekarstvo;institucije;publikacije;prolegomena;fundamentals of knowledge and culture;propaedeutics;prolegomena;splošne osnove znanosti in kulture;management;menedžment;processes in management;procesi pri menedžmentu;
ID: 1003172
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