delo diplomskega seminarja
Amadeja Pušnik (Author), Duško Uršič (Mentor)


V delu diplomskega seminarja sem si zastavila, da dokažem kako pomembno je vodenje v današnjem času. V vsakem podjetju se nahajajo vodje, ki se vsak dan soočajo z reševanjem različnih problemov. Ker je vsak problem bistvenega pomena za organizacijo, je pomembno, da je le- ta čim bolje razrešen. Za to skrbijo vodje, ki usmerjajo svoje sodelavce k doseganju želenih ciljev in nalog. Vsaka naloga oziroma aktivnost pa ne more biti izvedena, če v podjetju ni ustrezne komunikacije in motivacije. Komunikacija med vodstvom in sodelavci je ključnega pomena, saj ne morejo priti do želenega cilja, če o njem niso ustrezno informirani in usmerjeni. Drugi najpomembnejši dejavnik pa je motivacija. Ljudje težijo k temu, da bi se približali zadovoljstvu in ne nezadovoljstvu. Brez motivacije človek ne more storiti nobene aktivnosti in ne more zadovoljiti svojih potreb. Posebej pomembna je motivacija za delo, ki posamezniku pomaga, da uresniči svoje cilje in cilje organizacije, v kateri je zaposlen. Motivacijo uporabljajo managerji in vodje kot orodje za krmiljenje človekove aktivnosti v želeno smer. Danes se okolje neizmerno hitro spreminja, zato je pomembno, da dober vodja sledi spremembam in se jim poskuša čim bolje prilagoditi. Od njegovega uspeha so odvisne njegove lastnosti, znanja in veščine, ki jih pridobiva z izobraževanjem, usposabljanjem, predvsem pa z izkušnjami. Pomembno je tudi delo v timu, saj se posamezniki povezujejo, komunicirajo in gradijo medsebojne odnose. Vse to pa pripomore k samozavesti in občutku pripadnosti posameznika. Eden najpomembnejših elementov uspeha v življenju pa je posameznikov osebni program razvoja vodstvenih lastnosti. Razvoj teorije vodenja je potekal od preprostih interpretacij oblik stilov vodenja in oblikovanja poenostavljenih tipologij do vse bolj zapletenih razlag modelov vodenja. Ugotovila sem, da ni najboljših oblik vodenja, ki bi bile za vse situacije primerne. Rešitve lahko iščemo s primerjavo teoretičnih in praktičnih dejavnikov vodenja v danih situacijah. Da bo vodja v podjetju učinkovit, mora biti inovativen v organizaciji, tehnologiji in pri vodenju podjetja. Moja naloga je bila tudi poiskati razlike med nalogami managerja in vodje. Veliko ljudi pojma management in vodenje enačita. Vendar, kot sem ugotovila, temu ni tako. Vodenje je ožji pojem in predstavlja eno izmed funkcij managementa. Vodenje pomeni vplivanje na zaposlene v podjetju tako, da bo podjetje učinkovito doseglo zastavljene poslovne in druge cilje. Management pa vsebuje različne funkcije: načrtovanje, organiziranje, kadrovanje, vodenje in kontroling. Management torej vsebuje več funkcij, med njimi tudi vodenje. Vodenje je potrebno nenehno prilagajati spremembam, ki nastajajo v okolju in v organizaciji sami. Dober vodja bo vedno poiskal rešitev, se o njej pogovoril in motiviral svoje sodelavce za dosego skupno zastavljenih ciljev.


management;manager;naloge;vodenje;stili vodenja;modeli;motivacija;komuniciranje;teamsko delo;skupinsko delo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Pušnik]
UDC: 005.34
COBISS: 10419228 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2367
Downloads: 346
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Manager and management leadership
Secondary abstract: In the seminar paper thesis I set myself to prove how important leadership is nowadays. In every company there are directors who face solving different problems every day. Every single problem is important for an organization and that is why it is important that the problem is solved as well as possible. The leader takes care of this and they direct their workers towards achieving the desired goals and tasks. However, every task or activity cannot be carried out if there is no adequate communication and motivation. Communication between leader and workers is of the key importance; they cannot reach a desired goal unless they are adequately informed about the goal and directed toward it. The second most important factor was motivation. People strive for satisfaction and not dissatisfaction. Without motivation people cannot carry out an activity and they cannot satisfy their needs. Work motivation is very important because it helps an individual to achieve his goals and the goals of the organization where he is employed. Managers and leaders use motivation as a tool for guiding man’s activities in the desired direction. Today the environment is changing rapidly and that is why it is important for a good leader to follow the changes and to try to adapt to them as well as possible. His characteristics, knowledge and skills which he acquires by learning, training and predominantly by experiences depend on his success. Team-work is also very important because individuals connect, communicate and build reciprocal relations. All this aids to self-confidence of an individual and the feeling of belonging. One of the most important elements of succeeding in life is a personal programme of an individual for the development of leader characteristics. The directing theory development started as simplified typologies and went on to more and more complex explanations of leading models. I established that there are no perfect leading methods, which would be suitable for all situations. We can search for solutions by comparing theoretical and practical factors of leadership in given situations. In order for a leader to be effective in a company, he has to be innovative in organizing, technology and leading the company. My task was also to find the differences between tasks of a manager and tasks of a leader. Many people equate the concepts of management and leadership. However, as I found out, these two concepts are not the same. Leadership is a narrower concept and represents one of the functions of the management. It means to influence the employees of a company in such a way so that the company reaches business and other goals more effectively. Management involves different functions: planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Management includes several functions, one of them being leading. Leadership has to be constantly adapted to the changes that occur in the organization and around it. A good leader will always find a solution; he will discuss it and motivate his co-workers to reach common goals.
Secondary keywords: Tasks of a management;leadership;motivation;communication;team-work;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 57 str.
Keywords (UDC): science and knowledge;organization;computer science;information;documentation;librarianship;institutions;publications;znanost in znanje;organizacije;informacije;dokumentacija;bibliotekarstvo;institucije;publikacije;prolegomena;fundamentals of knowledge and culture;propaedeutics;prolegomena;splošne osnove znanosti in kulture;management;menedžment;management activities;menedžerske dejavnosti;
ID: 1004151
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