delo diplomskega seminarja


Vsebina dela diplomskega seminarja predstavlja področja, kamor je po našem mnenju gospodarska kriza najbolj vplivala in pustila najočitnejše spremembe. Pogoj za življenje in delo občine (kakor tudi države) je zadovoljevanje človekovih potreb. Tako mora občina svojim prebivalcem zagotoviti pravico do komunalnih storitev, skrb za osnovno varstvo otrok, socialno ogroženih, invalidov in ostarelih, skrb za javni red in mir in podobno. Za delovanje občine v tej smeri so potrebna finančna sredstva. S slovensko ustavo je določeno, da se občina financira z lastnimi viri. Če zaradi slabe gospodarske razvitosti ni sposobna finančno podpreti vseh nalog, ki jih opravlja, potem ji mora država zagotoviti dodatna sredstva. Tretja možnost občin pa je zadolževanje. Ker se v tem sistemu financiranja občin izkaže, da so občine v veliki meri odvisne od države, bi morala imeti predvsem država posluh za občine, kajti očitno so sredstva, ki jih dobijo, premalo, da bi se uspešno spopadale s svojimi težavami. Potrebna bo sprememba sistema financiranja, ki smo ga opisali že v poglavju o problematiki sistema financiranja občin. Zaradi posledic, ki jih je pustila svetovna gospodarska kriza, bo potrebno uvesti še mnogo sprememb, da bo gospodarstvo lahko ponovno oživelo. Tako občine niso edine, ki potrebujejo spremembe v svojem delovanju. Tu imamo še banke, zavarovalnice in borze, ki so pomembno prispevale k izbruhu svetovne finančne in gospodarske krize.


občine;poslovanje;financiranje;premoženje;bilance stanja;brezposelnost;zaposleni;plače;gospodarske krize;finančna kriza;analiza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Motovilci
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [K. Kuzmič]
UDC: 336:352
COBISS: 10419740 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1767
Downloads: 223
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of the impact of global financial and economic crisis on the municipalities in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: Contents of the thesis presents the work areas that, in our opinion, the economic crisis most affected and left the most obvious changes. The condition for life and work of the municipality (as well as the state) is to meet human needs. So the municipality must provide its residents the right to sanitation services, a basic concern for the protection of children, socially disadvantaged, disabled and elderly, to care for law and order, etc. For the operation of the municipality in this direction financial resources are needed. The Slovenian Constitution provides that the municipality finances itself with own sources. If due to lack of economic development the municipality is not able to financially support all of the tasks, then the state must provide additional resources. The third option is borrowing. Since in the present system of financing municipalities found that the municipalities largely dependent on the state, the state should have a particular sensitivity to the minucipalities, because the resources they get are not enough to successfully cope with their problems. There's necessary to change the financing system, which we already described in chapter on the problem of financing the municipalities. The impact that the global economic crisis has left will make necessary to introduce many changes that the economy will be re-picked. So the municipalities are not the only that need changes in their operations. Here we have banks, insurance companies and stock exchanges, which has been significantly contributed to the outbreak of the global financial and economic crisis.
Secondary keywords: business of municipalities;global financial crisis;Slovenia;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 45 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;finance;finance;social sciences;družbene vede;public administration;government;military affairs;javna uprava;lowest levels of administration;local government;municipal administration;local authorities;najnižje ravni uprave;lokalna uprava;mestna uprava;lokalne oblasti;
ID: 1004182
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