Tomaž Žula (Author), Zdravko Kravanja (Author), Stojan Kravanja (Author)


V prispevku je predstavljeno optimiranje topologije in standardnih prerezov jeklene industrijske hale, izdelane iz jeklenih standardnih vroče valjanih I prerezov. Konstrukcijo sestavljajo glavni okvirji na katere so pritrjene lege. Optimiranje je izvedeno z mešanim celoštevilskim nelinearnim programiranjem (MINLP). Pri MINLP poteka diskretno optimiranje topologije in standardnih izmer sočasno z računom zveznih parametrov. Za reševanje nekonveksnega, nelinearnega in kombiniranega diskretno-zveznega optimizacijskega problema jeklenih hal je uporabljen modificirani algoritem zunanje aproksimacije s sprostitvijo enačb (Modified OA/ER). Poleg optimalne mase konstrukcije so še izračunani optimalna topologija z optimalnim številom glavnih okvirjev in leg ter standardni prerezi vseh konstrukcijskih elementov.Prispevek vsebuje teoretični opis problema in praktični primer z rezultati optimiranja.


gradbeništvo;industrijske hale;optimiranje topologije;optimiranje prerezov;nelinearno programiranje;MINLP;civil engineering;topology optimization;sizing optimization;nonlinear programming;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: = Association of Mechanical Engineers and Technicians of Slovenia et al.
UDC: 624.04:519.68
COBISS: 12650774 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0039-2480
Parent publication: Strojniški vestnik
Views: 1830
Downloads: 48
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: MINLP optimiranje jeklene industrijske hale
Secondary abstract: The paper presents the topology and standard sizes optimization of a single-storey industrial steel building, made from standard hot rolled I sections. The structure consists of main portal frames, connected with purlins. The structural optimization is performed by the Mixed-Integer Non-linear programming approach (MINLP). The MINLP performs a discrete topology and standard dimension optimization simultaneously with continuous parameters. Since the discrete/continuous optimization problem of the industrial building is non-convex and highly non-linear, the Modified Outer- Approximation/Equality-Relaxation (OA/ER) algorithm has been used for the optimization. Alongside the optimum structure mass, the optimum topology with the optimum number of portal frames and purlins as well as all standard cross-section sizes have been obtained. The paper includes the theoretical basis and a practical example with the results of the optimization.
Secondary keywords: gradbeništvo;industrijske hale;optimiranje topologije;optimiranje prerezov;nelinearno programiranje;MINLP;
Pages: str. 707-724
Volume: ǂVol. ǂ54
Issue: ǂiss. ǂ10
Chronology: 2008
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;engineering;technology in general;inženirstvo;tehnologija na splošno;civil and structural engineering in general;gradbena tehnika;gradbeništvo;structural design;graphical and analytical statics for investigation and calculation of structures;gradbena statika;mathematics;natural sciences;naravoslovne vede;matematika;mathematics;matematika;computational mathematics;numerical analysis;računska matematika;numerična analiza;
ID: 1005600
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