diplomsko delo
Natalija Kšela (Author), Jani Bekő (Mentor)


Mlečna industrija v Sloveniji je v preteklih letih doživela mnoge spremembe. Po vstopu v Evropsko unijo so bile odpravljene institucionalne omejitve pri trgovanju, pojavili so ostri konkurenčni pritiski velikih evropskih multinacionalk. Tem pritiskom je bilo izpostavljeno tudi podjetje Pomurske mlekarne, saj kot smo prikazali v diplomskem delu, je poslovalo z izgubo. Z željo po uspešnosti podjetja se je novo vodstvo odločilo za temeljito prestrukturiranje podjetja, ki je pripeljalo do želenih rezultatov ter izboljšanja kazalnikov uspešnosti. V mlečno-predelovalni industriji v Sloveniji obstaja razkorak med ponudbo in porabo mleka in mlečnih izdelkov, zato je tudi razvoj podjetja odvisen od uspešne uveljavitve na novih izvoznih trgih. Podjetje se je uspešno uveljavilo na trgu tretjih držav, predvsem Senegala in Mavretanije. Distribucija živil je vse bolj nagnjena h koncentriranju večjih trgovskih verig, ki obvladujejo trg. Prav te trgovske blagovne znamke zadnja leta predstavljajo v največji meri cenovno konkurenco podjetju, saj so cenovno bolj dostopne potrošniku od blagovnih znamk. Kljub temu pa ima podjetje Pomurske mlekarne prevladujoč tržni položaj v kategoriji masla, pri mleku in sirih pa ostaja nišni igralec.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [N. Kšela]
UDC: 637.1:338.5
COBISS: 10571548 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2856
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Competitive position on the dairy market: the case of dairy in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: The dairy industry in Slovenia has in recent years seen many changes. The institutional borders for trading were abolished when Slovenia joined the European Union. Also present are competitive pressures from large European multinational companies. The company Pomurske mlekarne had also been exposed to these pressures and, as shown in this paper, traded at a loss. Since the company’s aim is to succeed, the new management has decided for radical restructuring of the company, which let to the desirous results and the improvement of success indicators. In Slovenian milk processing industry there is a gap between the offer and the consumption of milk and dairy products, which is why the company’s development depends on the successful market penetration in the countries of the third world, such as Senegal and Mauritania. The distribution of foods is more and more inclined to concentration of large market chains that control the market. In recent years had these private labels, due to its low price and availability, become the biggest price competition to the company. Nevertheless, the company Pomurske mlekarne has the dominant market position in the category of butter, and remains the niche player with milk and cheese.
Secondary keywords: CAP;milk quota;buying-in price;Pomurske mlekarne.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 54 str.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;agriculture and related sciences and techniques;forestry;farming;wildlife exploitation;kmetijstvo ter sorodne vede in tehnologije;produce of domestic (farmyard) animals and game;proizvodi domačih živali in divjadi;social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;economic situation;economic policy;management of the economy;economic planning;production;services;prices;menedžment gospodarstva;gospodarsko načrtovanje;proizvodnja;storitve;prices;price formation;costs;cene;oblikovanje cen;stroški;
ID: 1006876