diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Tina Avguštin (Author), Marko Ferjan (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi smo skušali prikazati pozitivne in negativne lastnosti sejma. Osredotočili smo se na konkretno podjetje, analizirali njegove stroške ter kasnejšo prodajo. Cilj raziskave je bil namreč odkriti, ali ima oglaševanje na sejmu kakšen vpliv na dejansko prodajo izdelkov. Oglaševanje na sejmu spada, glede na teorijo marketinškega komuniciranja, pod orodja pospeševanja prodaje. To pomeni, da podjetja želijo spodbuditi in povečati prodajo svojih izdelkov in storitev. Kljub temu da s prisotnostjo na sejmu povečamo povpraševanje in prodajo izdelkov in storitev, pa za podjetja to pomeni velik finančni zalogaj. Ravno to je razlog, da se nekatera podjetja odpovedo predstavljanju svojih izdelkov na sejmih. Podjetje, ki ga v tej diplomski nalogi obravnavamo, ne želi odpovedati oglaševanja na sejmu, saj so prepričani, da je njihova prisotnost dolgoročno dobra naložba. Namen naše raziskave je bil odkriti, ali ima sejem kot oblika oglaševanja sploh kakšen vpliv na prodajo, in če ga ima, ali je kratkoročen ali dolgoročen. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili osnovne pojme, ki so potrebni za lažje razumevanje tega diplomskega dela, kot so: sejem, marketinško komuniciranje in proces odločanja. V raziskovalnem delu pa smo določili namen raziskave, ki je odkriti, ali se podjetju X kdaj povrnejo stroški, ki jih ima s sejemskim oglaševanjem. Zato smo uporabili metodo poslovnega raziskovanja, s katero smo razčlenili in analizirali stroške različnih sejmov, število izdanih predračunov za določen sejem ter število prodanih izdelkov, katerih posel se je sklenil na sejmu. Ugotovili smo, da se kratkoročno podjetju X sejem ne izplača, saj v roku šestih mesecev nima povrnjenih niti polovice stroškov. Vendar lahko podjetje v daljšem časovnem obdobju, ki traja vsaj dve leti, dobi povrnjene vse stroške, ki jih je namenilo oglaševanju na sejmih. Z analizo podatkov smo tudi ugotovili, da se podjetju X najbolj splača ljubljanski sejem DOM, kljub temu da podjetju X predstavlja največji strošek med sejmi. To dokazuje, da so tematski sejmi za podjetje še vedno najbolj racionalni, saj v roku dveh let, s prodajo izdelkov »sejemskim« kupcem, stroške sejma pokrijejo. S tem smo prišli do zaključka, da se podjetju X sejem dolgoročno obrestuje in lahko potrdimo povezavo med vplivom oglaševanja na sejmu in dejansko prodajo izdelkov.


sejem;marketinško komuniciranje;proces odločanja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Kranj
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [T. Avguštin]
UDC: 316.77
COBISS: 6744083 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2105
Downloads: 183
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The aim of the B.A. thesis is to show the positive and negative aspects of a fair. The focus is on a specific company, of which the expenses and the later sale has been analysed. The goal of the research was to find out whether the advertising on a fair has an impact on the actual sales of the company’s products. In the view of marketing communication fair advertising is a tool of sales promotion. This means that the companies want to stimulate and increase the sales of their products and services. Despite the increased demand for products and services due to presence at the fair, this can be a great expense for the companies. That is the reason why some companies decide not to present their products that way. The company analysed in the thesis decides not to give up the advertising at a fair, because they believe that their presence is a good long-term investment. The aim of the research is to see whether fair advertising has an impact on the sales, and if it does, whether it is a long-term or short-term. The theoretical part includes the basic terms needed for the understanding of the thesis, such as: fair, marketing communication and decision-making process. The practical part deals with the question whether the company X gets reimbursed for the fair advertising expenses. Using business research method we analysed the expenses of different fairs, the number of pro forma invoices for a particular fair and the number of sold products at the fair. It has been established that a short-term fair advertising does not prove profitable since the company does get reimbursed for the expenses in the period of six months. On the other hand the company does get reimbursed for the expenses invested in a long-term fair advertising, lasting for at least two years. The analysis showed that Ljubljana's fair DOM proves the most profitable for the company X, despite the fact that the expenses are the highest at this fair. This shows that the thematic fairs are the most rational decision for the company, since the expenses are covered with the sale to "fair" buyers in the course of two years. In conclusion, long-term advertising at the fair proves profitable for the company X and there is a connection between the advertising and the sales of the products.
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: [6] f., 59 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;sociology;sociologija;sociology of culture;cultural context of social life;sociologija kulture;
ID: 10103
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