diplomska naloga
Sabina Šmon (Author), Marjana Simonič (Mentor), Irena Petrinić (Co-mentor)


Za razbarvanje tekstilnih odpadnih vod je bilo razvitih veliko uporabnih metod, vendar zaradi zapletene sestave tekstilne odpadne vode, še vedno ni primernega univerzalnega postopka čiščenja. Uporaba membranskega bioreaktorja (MBR), ki temelji na osnovi biološke razgradnje tekstilnih odpadnih vod z aktivnim blatom v kombinaciji s fizikalnim procesom membranske filtracije, je postala zanimiva predvsem zaradi številnih prednosti pri čiščenju tekstilnih odpadnih vod ter dosegla hiter razvoj v zadnjem desetletju. Za biološko razgradnjo barvil je najprimernejši membranski bioreaktor s potopljenim membranskim modulom. Namen dela je bil očistiti laboratorijsko pripravljeno modelno odpadno z uporabo membranskega bioreaktorja ter določiti njegovo učinkovitost čiščenja modelne odpadne vode in odstranjevanja barvila. Z merjenjem posameznih parametrov in izvajanjem kemijskih analiz smo dokazali dobro delovanje MBR saj so se vrednosti KPK in vsebnosti barvila, izražene kot spektralni absorpcijski koeficient (SAK), znižale med 70 in 90 %. Primerjava učinkovitosti delovanja ultrafiltracijske membrane in biološkega čiščenja je pokazala, da z ultrafiltracijskim modulom dodatno izboljšamo kakovost izhodne odpadne vode do 15 % glede na vrednosti KPK in do 10 % glede na SAK. Vrednosti merjenih parametrov so ustrezale uredbi za izpust vod v kanalizacijo ali vodne vire. S tem smo potrdili dobro delovanje pilotnega MBR pri čiščenju tekstilnih odpadnih voda.


čiščenje tekstilne odpadne vode;reaktivna azo barvila;membranski bioreaktor;biološko čiščenje;aktivno blato;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [S. Šmon]
UDC: 66.098:628.35(043.2)
COBISS: 14090518 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2901
Downloads: 343
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Textile wastewater treatment using membrane bioreactor
Secondary abstract: Textile dye wastewater has always been cleaned by means of several useful techniques but, due to its complex composition , there is still no adequate universal cleaning process. The use of a membrane bioreactor (MBR), based on the biodegradation of textile wastewater by activated sludge in combination with the physical process of membrane filtration, has become particularly interesting because of its number of advantages during textile wastewater treatment, and has thus rapidly developed over the last decade. The most suitable membrane bioreactor for the bio – degradation of dyes contains a submerged membrane module. The aim of the work was to clean a laboratory – prepared wastewater using MBR and to determine its effectiveness regarding wastewater treatment, and the removal of colour. By measuring individual parameters and the implementation of chemical analysis, the satisfactory functioning of the MBR system, was demonstrated because the efficiency value regarding COD reduction and the elimination of dyes, expressed as SAC, reached from 70 to 90 % for both parameters. The monitoring and comparison of performance the ultrafiltration membrane with that of biological treatment showed that the operation of a hollow – fibre ultrafiltration module during this process helped to further improve the quality of wastewater output by up to 15 % during the monitoring of COD and 10 % during that of SAC. It can be concluded from the results, that the values for certain parameters achieved the same value than those prescribed by regulations for discharging into sewers or water resources. A proper functioning of the MBR pilot plant was confirmed for the treatment of textile effluents.
Secondary keywords: wastewater treatment;reactive azo dyes;membrane bioreactor;biological treatment;active sludge;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: X, 89 f.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;chemical technology;chemical and related industries;kemijska tehnologija;kemijske in sorodne industrije;applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;engineering;technology in general;inženirstvo;tehnologija na splošno;public health engineering;water;sanitation;illuminating engineering;sanitarna tehnika;zdravstvena tehnika;voda;sanitarne naprave;svetlobna tehnika;sewage;treatment;disposal;utilization of sewage;odpadne vode;
ID: 1010864
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