diplomsko delo
Sabina Francek (Author), Zlatko Dežman (Mentor)


Od uzakonitve habeas corpus, t.j. prve kodifikacije človekovih pravic, do objave mednarodnega pakta o državljanskih in političnih pravicah, je minilo več kot 300 let. V tem času sta se obseg in število človekovih pravic postopno povečevala, predvsem po zaslugi 'malega človeka', ki si je v revolucijah in vojnah ter v organiziranem delavskem gibanju z velikikmi žrtvami priboril te pravice. Od osebnostnih pravic, ki so bile prvič kodificirane v Bill of Rights ter do Deklaracije o pravicah človeka in državljana, ki je opredelila človekove pravice na fizično in moralno celovitos, je bil na področju človekovih pravic in svoboščin storjen velik napredek. Obodbje zadnjih petdeset let označuje na eni strani poudarjanje in mednarodno pravno varstvo človekoviih pravic, na drugi strani pa istočasno masovno kršenje in poseganje v temeljne pravice in svoboščine v mnogih državah. V Evropi je za varstvo človekovih pravic posebnega pomena Evropska konvencija o človekovih pravicah, katere namen je oblikovanje in uvajanje pooenotenega koncepta 'evropskih človekovih pravic'. 1. odstavek 10. člena Konvencije o varstvu človekovih pravic in svoboščin ( Vsakdo ima pravico do svobodnega izražanja. Ta pravica obsega svobodo mišljenja ter sprejemanja in sporočanja obvestil in idej brez vmešavanja javne oblasti in ne glede na meje. Ta člen ne preprečuje državam, da zahtevajo dovoljenje za delo radijskih, televizijskih in kinematografskih podjetij ) opredeljuje svobodo govora- določba zagotavlja vsakomur pravico, do svobode izražanja, mišljenja ter sprejemanja in sporočanja obvestil in idej, brez vmešavanja javne oblasti. Na podlagi te določbe je Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice izoblikovalo nekatera načela, ki poudarjajo, da predmet njenega varstva niso le mnenja, filozofske ideje ali različni načini izražanja političnih mnenj, temveč tudi dejstva, novice in ideje, ki so lahko za koga žaljive, celo šokantne in vznemirljive za državo ali določen del prebivalstva, ker je vloga tiska nezamenljiva pri informiranju javnosti o zadevah javnega pomena in da je prav zaradi varovanja medijske svobode dopustno celo žaljivo izražanje. Zato so tudi meje sprejemljive kritike širše, kadar gre za politične oz. javne osebnosti, kot to sicer velja za spoštovanje zasebnosti ostalih oseb. Takšno svobodo daje demokratični pluralizem, kajti demokracija je javnomnenjski proces, za katerega je značilen svoboden način razmišljanja, katerega idejni temelj je toleranca do nasprotnih stališč in mnenj. Svoboda izražanja misli je torej nesporno temeljni pogoj za svobodo duha in zato tudi medijsko svobodo. Spoštovati dostojanstvo osebe pa je dolžnost, ki jo ima človek do sebe kot moralnega bitja. Spoštovanje človeškosti lahko zahteva od vsakega drugega človeka, vendar človek ni dolžan spoštovati le samega sebe, ampak ima to dolžnost tudi do drugih ljudi. Ker pravo ne more v celoti zagotoviti miru in sožitja med ljudmi, se na številnih področjih pojavlja potreba po moralni varnosti, ki odseva v visoki humanizirani kulturi, prežeti z etičnimi merili vsakega posameznika in družbe kot celote. Zagotavljanje moralne varnosti pa pomeni tudi bistveno višjo stopnjo varnosti človeka, kot mu jo zagotavlja pravo. V diplomski nalogi sem tako zajela zgodovino razvoja človekovih pravic s poudarkom na medijski svobodi in svobodi izražanja ter novinarski etiki Zajela sem veljavno zakonodajo s tega področja ter se v osrednjem delu naloge bolj podrobno posvetila kaznivim dejanjem zoper čast in dobro ime. Ta so taksativno našteta v 18. poglavju Kazenskega zakonika. Nalogo sem zaključila s sodnim varstvom časti in dobrega imena ter potekom kazenskega postopka. Osvetlila sem težave s katerimi se soočajo sodišča pri obravnavi teh kaznivih dejanj ter v kolikšno pomoč jim je tudi praksa Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice.


kazensko pravo;svoboda izražanja;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [S. Francek]
UDC: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4086315 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5567
Downloads: 973
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Since the enactment of Habeas corpus, the first codification of human rights, the publication of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, has been more than 300 years. In the meantime, the volume and the number of human rights gradually increased, mainly thanks to the 'little man', who fought in the revolutions and wars, and with the organized labor movement gain this rights. From personal rights, which were first codified in the Bill of Rights and the Declaration on the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, which has identified human rights on the physical and moral level, on the field of human rights and freedoms was made a great progress. Period of last fifty years indicates, on one hand, highlighting and international legal protection of Human rights, on the other hand, massive violations and interference were rights and freedoms in many countries, were fundamentaly violated. In Europe, for the human rights has particular importance the European Convention on Human Rights, whose purpose is the creation and deployment unique concept of 'European human rights'. 1st paragraph 10th article, of the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms (Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting , television or cinema enterprises) defines freedom of speech, provision ensures everyone the right to freedom of expression, thought and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority On this grounding, the European Court of Human Rights has worked out some principles, which emphasize that the object of its protection is not just opinion, philosophical ideas or different ways of expressing political opinions, but facts, news and ideas that may be offensive to anyone, even shocking and alarming for a country or a part of the population, whereas the irreplaceable role of the press in informing the public about matters of public interest and also to protect media freedom is admissible, even when it comes to offensive expression. Therefore, the limits of acceptable criticism are even wider when it comes to political or public figures, as it is applied to the privacy of other persons. Such freedom gives democratic pluralism, because democracy is a process of Public Opinion, which is typical liberal way of thinking, the conceptual foundation of the tolerance of opposing views and opinions. Freedom of expression is thus undoubtedly a prerequisite for freedom of spirit, and therefore media freedom. Respect the dignity of the person, the obligation held by the man to himself as a moral being. Respect for humanity may be required of any other man, but man is not only obliged to respect oneself, but also has a duty to other people. Since the law can not fully ensure peace and harmony among people, a number of areas there is a need for moral certainty, which reflects the high humanized culture, imbued with the ethical criteria of each individual and of society as a whole. Providing moral certainty, there is also a significantly higher level of security man as he provided by law. In my thesis I also covered the history of the development of human rights with a focus on media freedom and freedom of expression and journalistic ethics I covered the applicable law in this area and in the central part of the paper devoted more detailed crime against honor and good name. These are exhaustively listed in the 18 section of the Criminal Code. I have complited the task with judicially part of justice and honor and good name and how they are protected in a progress of the criminal proceedings. I highlighted the problems faced by Slovenian courts in dealing with these crimes and how much aid they can get and use from the European Court of Human Rights.
Secondary keywords: Human rights;freedom of speech;media;expression;limits;journalistic ethics;honour;good name;criminal responsability;criminal proceeding;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fakulteta
Pages: 75 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 1011464
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