diplomski seminar
Rok Erjavec (Author), Mojca Duh (Mentor)


Delo diplomskega seminarja sem zasnoval tako, da sem se v prvem delu naloge posvetil teoretičnim izhodiščem in opredelitvam družinskega podjetja. Obdelal sem prednosti in slabosti družinskih podjetij, predstavil pomen družine v družinskem podjetju, nato pa sem se posvetil vrstam strategij podjetja. Predstavil sem proces strateškega planiranja, navedel razloge zakaj v malih podjetjih ni dovolj strateškega planiranja in razdelal pomembnost strateškega načrta za uspešno delovanje podjetja. Nadaljnje sem se lotil področja iskanja strategij in strateški možnosti. Obdelal sem temeljne in poslovne strategije, nato pa sem se posvetil še področju prodajnih trgov in možnih dejavnosti podjetja, področju oskrbnih trgov s surovinami, materiali, energijo in delovnimi sredstvi ter potrebami podjetja po teh resursih, področju trga delovne sile in potrebnih sodelavcev podjetja ter področju trga kapitala in potrebnih vrst kapitala. V drugem delu diplomskega seminarja sem se lotil praktičnega primera družinskega podjetja Vrtnarstvo in gradnje Rogaška d.o.o. Najprej sem predstavil podjetje, opisal s čim se ukvarja, ter izdelal organizacijsko shemo. Sledilo je proučevanje strateških možnosti podjetja, kjer sem najprej preučil stanje celotnega podjetja, nato sem preučil posamezna področja delovanja, kasneje pa sem se lotil izdelave SWOT analize. SWOT analiza mi je dala odgovore o prednostih in slabostih podjetja, ter o priložnostih in nevarnostih v okolju. Na podlagi pridobljeni podatkov sem nato oblikoval temeljno strategijo podjetja. Odločil sem se za strategijo nadaljnjega razvoja in rasti, ki predvideva, da naj bi podjetje v svojem okolju delovanja veljalo za celovitega ponudnika vseh vrst okrasnih rastlin, sadnega drevja in vseh ostalih pripomočkov za urejen vrt in dom, prav tako pa naj bi podjetje Vrtnarstvo in gradnje Rogaška d.o.o. veljalo za celovitega in zanesljivega ponudnika in izvajalca gradbenih storitev ter storitev urejanja okolja. Razvoj podjetja bo usmerjen v vsa glavna področja njegovega delovanja. Na področju proizvodnje in prodaje bo podjetje napore usmerilo v razširitev ponudbenega asortimenta izdelkov, prizadevalo si bo za visoko kakovost izdelkov in storitev, vrtni center pa bodo naredili strankam čim bolj prijazen in domač. Nato sem opredelil še poslovno strategijo podjetja Vrtnarstvo in gradnje Rogaška d.o.o. Izbral sem strategijo diferenciacije proizvodov. Kot predmet obravnave sem si izbral vrtni center s svojim proizvodnim asortimentom. Prišel sem do ugotovitve, da v vrtnem centru trenutno nimajo dovolj proizvodov, ki izstopajo in privabljajo zahtevnejše kupce, zato morajo v prihodnje ta asortiment proizvodov razširiti. . Preučil sem tudi sektor prodajnih trgov in marketinga in prišel do zaključka, da je potrebno podjetju dosedanjo ponudbo izdelkov povečati z raznimi tehničnimi pripomočki, da se mora podjetje lotiti agresivnejšega oglaševanja svoje ponudbe tudi izven regije delovanja in da mora podjetje več časa posvetiti promoviranju, obnavljanju in osveževanju spletne strani. Pri preučevanju področja oskrbnih trgov, sem prišel do spoznanj, da je za podjetje dobro, da naveže neposredne stike z dobavitelji iz Zahodne Evrope in se tako izogniti dragim provizijam. Glavna ugotovitev, ki sem jo sprejel za področje trga delovne sile in potrebnih sodelavcev podjetja je, da je potrebno poiskati, ustrezno pripraviti in nato zaposliti novega vodjo proizvodnje, saj je trenutni vodja tik pred upokojitvijo, zato je treba izkoristiti priložnost, da lahko s svojim znanjem in izkušnjami bodočega vodjo še marsikaj nauči. Za področje trga kapitala in potrebnih vrst kapitala pa lahko rečem, da je v prihodnje priporočljivo zmanjšati delež bančnih posojil, na račun pridobivanja državnih subvencij in črpanja sredstev iz evropskih skladov.


družinsko podjetje;strategija;strateško planiranje;okolje;razvoj;strateški management;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [R. Erjavec]
UDC: 005.21:334.722.24
COBISS: 10454556 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2233
Downloads: 308
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂstrategic opportunities and the strategies of a family enterprise
Secondary abstract: The first part of the final seminar paper is dedicated to the theoretical bases and definitions of a family business. I started with studying the advantages and disadvantages of a family businesses and the role of the family in it, and then focused on different strategies for such an enterprise. I presented the strategic planning process and the reasons for its shortage in the small enterprises, and stressed the importance of strategic planning for the successful business performance. In continuation, I focused on the search of strategies and strategic possibilities. Firstly, I explored some basic and business strategies and continued with the research of the markets, business possibilities, supply with raw materials, energy and means of work on the one side, and the businesses' needs for these resources on the other. Some space was also given to the fields of the labour market, the employees required, the capital market and the necessary types of capital. The second part of the final seminar paper is a study of a concrete family business Vrtnarstvo in gradnje Rogaška Ltd. I presented the company and its activities, and made the organisational scheme. I continued with the study of the business's strategic possibilities; the first step was the analysis of the current business's situation and of its activities. In the second stage, I carried out the SWOT analyis, which revealed the strong and weak points of the business and also pointed out the opportunities and risks in its environment. These data served me as a basis for shaping the core strategy of the enterprise. I opted for the continuing development and growth strategy, which foresees the company as a comprehensive provider of all sorts of ornamental plants, fruit trees and gardening equipment. In addition, Vrtnarstvo in Gradnje Ltd. is expected to strengthen its position as a reliable, integrated provider of constructing and spatial planning services. The company's development will be aimed at all its main activities. In the field of production and sales, the main goal is to expand the product assortment while maintaining and even enhancing the high quality of products and services. Special attention will be paid on creating customer-friendly atmosphere in the gardening centre. Further, I defined the business strategy for Vrtnarstvo in Gradnje Ltd. I chose the product differentiation strategy, applying it to the assortment of products in the gardening centre. The conclusion is that there is a lack of the products attractive to demanding costumers, and therefore there is a need for the product assortment expansion. The study of the markets and marketing has revealed that the current offer should be enriched with some technical devices. Furthermore, the advertising should become more aggressive and should expand also to the neighbouring regions. At the same time, more time should be dedicated to the promotion, up-dating and refreshing of the website. My findings in the field of supply markets indicate that it would be reasonable to establish direct contacts with the Western Europe in order to avoid high provisions. In the area of labour market and necessary employees it is crucial to find, train and then employ new head of production before the current one retires. In this manner, the current head could transfer his knowledge and experience to his successor. As far as the capital market and the types of requested capital are concerned, my advice is to decrease the bank loans share and replace it with the government subsidies and the EU funds resources.
Secondary keywords: family business;family business characteristics;strategies;strategic activities;environment;participants;development.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 52 str.
Keywords (UDC): science and knowledge;organization;computer science;information;documentation;librarianship;institutions;publications;znanost in znanje;organizacije;informacije;dokumentacija;bibliotekarstvo;institucije;publikacije;prolegomena;fundamentals of knowledge and culture;propaedeutics;prolegomena;splošne osnove znanosti in kulture;management;menedžment;management agents;mechanisms;measures;udeleženci pri menedžmentu;mehanizmi;merila;social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;forms of organization and cooperation in the economy;oblike organiziranja in sodelovanja v gospodarstvu;
ID: 1012502