diplomsko delo
Petra Meža (Author), Silvo Devetak (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu je obravnavana mednarodna pravna ureditev varstva okolja s poudarkom na Severnem Jadranu. V začetnem delu naloge avtorica opredeli pojem ter funkcije prava okolja. Predstavljeni so razlogi in posledice za nastanek prava okolja, v nadaljevanju naloge pa je predstavljena tudi mednarodna ureditev prava okolja, s poudarkom na aktivnostih, ki potekajo s strani mednarodnih organizacij. Med slednjimi je v ospredju delovanje Organizacije združenih narodov, posledica tega delovanja so konference s področja varstva okolja. Rezultat le teh pa so mednarodne pogodbe z veljavnostjo na svetovni ravni, pregled konferenc in mednarodnih pogodb pa je vključen v diplomsko nalogo. Prav tako avtorica predstavi in povzame delovanje Evropske unije na področju normativnega varstva okolja ter pomembnejše akte in programe, sprejete ter izvedene na tem področju. Izhajajoč iz v nalogi navedenih vsebinskih norm, ki opredeljujejo mednarodno pravo okolja, so se postopoma razvila načela mednarodnega prava varstva okolja, ki so navedena in predstavljena v nadaljevanju naloge. Pravo varstva okolja je v nalogi predstavljeno kot širok pojem, ki zajema varstvo vseh elementov okolja, poudarek naloge pa je na pravnem varstvu voda, v smislu varovanja morja in morskega okolja. Predstavljeni so najpomembnejši mednarodni predpisi s področja varstva morja, ukrepanje obalnih držav ob onesnaženju morja, predstavljen pa je tudi poseben režim zaprtih in polzaprtih morij med katere štejemo tudi Jadransko morje. V nadaljevanju je tako naloga omejena na regionalni pristop k zaščiti in varovanju morskega okoliša Severnega Jadrana, katerega si delijo tri države, Slovenija, Hrvaška in Italija. Vode Severnega Jadrana so občutljiv ekosistem v gospodarsko izjemno aktivni regiji, zaradi česar uvrščajo Severni Jadran med ogrožene dele Sredozemlja. V nadaljevanju naloge se avtorica osredotoča na okoljske obremenitve, ki najbolj pestijo omenjeno regijo, to so vnosi s kopnega, pomorski promet, postavitev plinskih terminalov v Tržaškem zalivu, prekomerni ribolov ter urbanizacija območja. Predstavljeno je soočanje držav Severnega Jadrana s problematiko onesnaževanja voda Severnega Jadrana ter normativna urejenost področja, pri čemer je poudarek na aktih sprejetih s strani Republike Slovenije ter aktih Evropske unije. Predstavljena je tudi problematika razglasitev zaščitnih ekoloških con v državah Severnega Jadrana, pri čemer avtorica ugotavlja, da prihaja do teh predvsem iz političnih in ne okoljevarstvenih razlogov. V končnem delu naloge so zajete in predstavljene aktivnosti, ki potekajo in prispevajo k izboljšanju stanja morskega okolja Severnega Jadrana ter sklepna razmišljanja avtorice v katerih je prišla do zaključka, da je med državami Severnega Jadrana premalo vzajemnega in trajnega sodelovanja, katero je ključ do ohranitve morja Severnega Jadrana ter kvalitete življenja ob njem.


pravo varstva okolja;pravno varstvo morja;Severni Jadran;ekološka cona;plinski terminali;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [P. Meža]
UDC: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4200491 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3093
Downloads: 347
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with international legal regime for the protection of the environment with emphasis on the Northern Adriatic. In the initial part of the thesis the author defines the concept and features of the environmental law. The reasons and consequences for the emergence of environmental law are featured, followed by the presentation of the international regime of the environmental law, with an emphasis on activities undertaken by international organizations. Among the latter is in the foreground the activity of the United Nations, the consequences of this are conferences in the field of environmental protection. The results are international treaties with validity on the global level, the review of conferences and international treaties is included in the thesis. The author also presents and summarizes the activity of the European Union on the field of normative environmental protection and important documents and programs adopted and implemented in his area. Resultant from the stated substantive norms from the thesis that define the international environmental law, have gradually developed the principles of international environmental law that are cited and presented in the thesis. Environmental law is in the thesis presented as a broad concept which covers the protection of all elements of the environment, but the focus of the thesis is on the legal protection of water, especially the protection of the sea and marine environment. Featured are the most important international laws on the protection of the seas, actions by coastal states in marine pollution, but also presented a special regime of closed and semi-closed seas, among which is also the Adriatic Sea. In the following the thesis is limited to a regional approach to secure and protect the marine district of the Northern Adriatic Sea, which is shared by three countries, Slovenia, Croatia and Italy. The waters of the Northern Adriatic Sea are a delicate ecosystem in an economically very active region, which place the Northern Adriatic Sea between the threatened parts of the Mediterranean. In the following of the thesis the author focuses on the environmental burdens that are most plagued in this region, such as entries from land, maritime transport, setting up LNG terminals in the Gulf of Trieste, over-fishing and urbanization areas. Presented is the confrontation of the countries of the Northern Adriatic with the problems of water pollution of the Northern Adriatic and normative regulation of the field, with emphasis on the act taken by the Republic of Slovenia and the acts of the European Union. The problems with the proclamation of ecological protection zones in the countries of the Northern Adriatic are also presented, where the author establishes that this comes primarily for political rather than environmental reasons. The final part of the thesis covers and presents the activities that take place and contribute to the improvement of the marine environment of the Northern Adriatic and the final reflection of the author in which she came to the conclusion that the countries of the North Adriatic lack of mutual and lasting cooperation, which is the key to maintaining the Northern Adriatic Sea and the quality of life with it.
Secondary keywords: environmental law;legal protection of the Sea;Northern Adriatic;the environmental burden of the Northern Adriatic Sea;ecological zone;LNG terminals in the Gulf of Trieste;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fakulteta
Pages: 62 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 1013857