diplomsko delo
Vesna Sagadin (Author), Zlatko Dežman (Mentor)


Državno tožilstvo deluje kot samostojen, neodvisen pravosodni organ, katerega glavna funkcija predstavlja odkrivanje kaznivih dejanj in pregon storilcev le-teh. Da lahko državni tožilci uspešno opravljajo svojo funkcijo, je potrebna ustrezna zakonodaja. Ravno v sedanjem času se pri nas v državnemu tožilstvu obetajo obsežne spremembe, ki se bodo zgodile tako na procesnem, kot tudi na organizacijskem področju, saj sta v pripravi nova zakona, in sicer Zakon o državnem tožilstvu (ZDT-1) ter Zakon o kazenskem postopku (ZKP-1). ZDT-1 bo precej spremenjen, glede na ZDT, saj njegova priprava temelji na mnenju, da je sedanji ZDT zastarel in podnormiran. Z ZDT-1 naj bi se državno tožilstvo posodobilo, zakon bo tako pregleden, jasen. Najvidnejše spremembe, ki se obetajo, se kažejo v večji pristojnosti članov Državnotožilskega sveta (DTS), v vplivu politike na državno tožilstvo - ta naj bi se zminimaliziral, sledi ustanovitev Specialializiranega državnega tožilstva, ukinitev Skupine za pregon organiziranega kriminala in Specializiranega oddelka za pregon uradnih oseb s policijskimi pooblastili, ki z ZDT-1 postane samostojna organizacijska enota pri Specializiranem državnem tožilstvu, prav tako sledi uvedba okrajnih državnih tožilcev, kot tudi določitev jasne politike pregona. ZKP-1, ki je v pripravi, obeta popolnoma spremenjen kazenski postopek. Gre za prehod od mešanega k adversarnemu tipu kazenskega postopka, za katerega je značilno, da stranke same pridobivajo dokaze, kot tudi dejstvo, da sodišče več ne izvaja dokazov po uradni dolžnosti, postopek pa je hitrejši ter bolj ekonomičen. ZKP-1 ukinja preiskavo in preiskovalnega sodnika, uvaja pa preiskovalni postopek, katerega nosilec je državni tožilec, ki bo odslej opravljal preiskovalna dejanja, usmerjal in nadziral Policijo ter sodnika garanta, ki bo ocenjeval posege Policije in državnega tožilca v pravice in svoboščine obdolženca. Uvaja se tudi sporazum o krivdi. Kljub tendenci k čim bolj adversarnemu postopku, pa ostajajo elementi, ki so ravno nasprotni temu tipu kazenskega postopka – obramba ne sme sama zbirati dokazov v svojo korist. Položaj državnih tožilcev na Hrvaškem, v luči njihovega Zakona o državnem tožilstvu (Zakon o državnem odvjetništvu – ZODO), je podoben kot pri nas, z razliko, da je njihova procesna zakonodaja že spremenjena, saj je bil leta 2008 sprejet nov Zakon o kazenskem postopku (Zakon o kaznenom postupku – ZKP/08), ki pa še ne velja v celoti. Določbe, ki se nanašajo na Urad za preprečevanje korupcije in organiziranega kriminala (Ured za suzbijanje korupcije i organiziranog kriminaliteta – USKOK), so v veljavi že od leta 2009 in prav tako že dajejo rezultate, katere Državno tožilstvo Republike Hrvaške (Državno odvjetništvo Republike Hrvatske – DORH) ocenjuje kot pozitivne. ZKP/08 je prav tako usmerjen v adversarno smer, med pomembnejše sodijo instituti, policijsko-tožilsko preiskovanje, obrnjeno dokazno breme glede dokazovanja pridobljenega premoženja, USKOK in številne možnosti uporabe oportunitetnih postopkov za zaključek kazenskega postopka pred uvedbo glavne obravnave.


državni tožilec;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [V. Sagadin]
UDC: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4213291 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2977
Downloads: 555
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The public prosecutor operates as a separate and independent judicial authority, whose main function is to detect crimes and prosecute perpetrators thereof. In order to allow state prosecutors to perform their function effectively, there is a need for appropriate legislation. In the very near future, public prosecutor will be facing major changes that will occur both, on procedural and on organizational field, as the new State Prosecutor Act (SPA-1) and the Criminal Procedure Act (CPA-1) are in preparation. SPA-1 will be significantly changed if compared with SPA, because its preparation is based on the opinion that the current SPA is outdated and under standardized. With SPA-1 the public prosecutor is expected to be updated, the law transparent and clear. The most obvious changes that are expected are higher powers of members of the State-Prosecutorial Council, minimized impact of policy on the public prosecutor’s office, formation of Specialized Public Prosecutor's Office, abolition of Group of state prosecutors for the prosecution of organised crime and Specialize Department, which will become an independent organizational unit at Specialized Public Prosecutor’s Office by means of SPA-1, establishment of county prosecutors and establishment of clear law enforcement. CPA-1 in preparation promises to completely revise the criminal procedure. It is a transition from mixed to adversary type of criminal procedure, for which it is characteristic that the parties themselves collect the evidence and that the court does not execute more evidence ex officio. The process is also faster and more economical. CPA-1 abolishes the investigation and the investigating judge, while it introduces the investigation process, the holder of which being the public prosecutor, who now carries out investigation activities, guides and supervises the police and the guarantor judge, who evaluates interventions of the police and public prosecutor in the rights and freedoms of the accused. It also introduces an agreement on the admission of guilt. Despite the tendency to maximize the adversary process, the elements remain, which are the exact opposite to that type of criminal prosecution – the defense is not allowed to collect evidence in its favor by itself. The position of public prosecutors in Croatia in the light of their State Prosecutor Act –(ZODO) is similar to ours, except for the fact that their procedural law has already been changed in 2008 when a new Criminal Procedure Act was accepted (ZKP/08), but has not been entirely applied yet. The provisions relating to the Office for the Prevention of Corruption and Organized Crime (USKOK) are in force since 2009 and have already produced results, which prosecutors from Croatia (State Attorney's Office of the Republic of Croatia - DORH) assessed as positive. ZKP/08 is also adversary oriented and the major institutes are the police-prosecution investigations, reversal of the burden of proof to demonstrate the acquired assets, USKOK, many possibilities for opportunity procedures to complete the criminal proceedings before introduction of the trial.
Secondary keywords: public prosecutor;public prosecution;change of State Prosecutor Act;change of Criminal Procedure Act;Public prosecution in Croatia;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fakulteta
Pages: 82 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 1014123
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