diplomsko delo
Elektronsko poslovanje pomeni izmenjavo poslovnih informacij preko omrežij s pomočjo računalniške izmenjave podatkov in vseh podobnih tehnologij.
Razmah osebnih računalnikov in interneta je pospešil razvoj e-poslovanja med posameznike, podjetja in državno oz. javno upravo. Vedno več državnih institucij, med njimi tudi Davčna uprava Republike Slovenije, se poslužuje poslovanja preko elektronskih poti, kjer spoznajo, da lahko tako izboljšajo svoje poslovanje in komunikacijo s strankami.
Elektronsko davčno poslovanje je moderen in ekonomičen način poslovanja davčnih zavezancev z Davčno upravo, ki poteka preko spletnega portala eDavki.
Portal eDavki so elektronsko vložišče za dokumente, ki jih davčni zavezanci ali njihovi zastopniki in pooblaščenci oddajajo na DURS. Tako pridejo informacije hitreje in brezplačno v davčni informacijski sistem.
Uporabnik eDavkov lahko postane vsak davčni zavezanec. Za uporabo potrebuje računalnik s primerno opremo, dostop do interneta in veljavno kvalificirano digitalno potrdilo enega od podprtih ponudnikov.
Pri prehodu na elektronsko poslovanje so prvi pomisleki potencialnih uporabnikov eDavkov varnost oz. zaščita podatkov. Tega se zaveda tudi Davčna uprava RS, ki poleg drugih varnostnih storitev, uporablja dve glavni, ki zagotavljata visoko stopnjo varnosti pri davčnem poslovanju preko interneta, to sta digitalni certifikat in elektronski podpis, ki sta pomembna in nepogrešljiva tudi pri postopku prijave oz. registracije v eDavke.
Pri poslovanju preko spletnega portala eDavki pa velja poudariti, da je za zagotavljanje varnosti podatkov, poleg vrhunske tehnologije in ustrezne zakonodaje, potrebna tudi uporabnikova osebna odgovornost.
elektronsko poslovanje;davki;davčna uprava;internet;spletne strani;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2011 |
Source: |
Vitanje |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[M. Rošer] |
UDC: |
004.738.5:336.22 |
Views: |
4648 |
Downloads: |
278 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Electronic tax operations and E-tax portal |
Secondary abstract: |
Electronic commerce stands for the exchange of business information through networks with the exchange of information through computer and all similar technologies.
The swing of personal computers and Internet accelerated the development of e-commerce among individuals, companies, government and public administration. More and more government institutions, among them also Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, are making use of operating through electronic ways, where they realize that they can improve their operations and communication with clients.
Electronic tax operations are a modern and economical means for operation of taxable persons with the Tax Administration and are conducted through the eTax portal.
eTax portal is an electronic depot for documents which are submitted to the Tax Administration by taxable persons or their representatives and proxies. In such a manner the information are available in the tax information system faster and free of costs.
Every taxable person can become a user of eTax portal. To use the portal it is necessary to have a computer with suitable software, access to the Internet and a valid digital certificate of one of the supported providers.
When passing over to the electronic commerce, potential users of eTax portal have scruples about security and protection of their data. Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia is aware of that and is, besides other security services, also using two main services, which enable a high degree of security at tax operations over the Internet – digital certificate and electronic signature, which are important and indispensable also in the procedure of logging in and registering on the eTax portal.
It is worth emphasizing that in order to ensure the security of the data when doing operations on the eTax portal, a users’ sense of personal responsibility is also necessary besides topmost technology and adequate legislation. |
Secondary keywords: |
Electronic commerce;Tax Administration of the Republic Slovenia;Electronic Tax Operations;eTax Portal; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
48 str. |
Keywords (UDC): |
science and knowledge;organization;computer science;information;documentation;librarianship;institutions;publications;znanost in znanje;organizacije;informacije;dokumentacija;bibliotekarstvo;institucije;publikacije;prolegomena;fundamentals of knowledge and culture;propaedeutics;prolegomena;splošne osnove znanosti in kulture;computer science and technology;computing;data processing;računalniška znanost in tehnologija;računalništvo;obdelava podatkov;computer communication;computer networks;računalniške komunikacije;računalniška omrežja;networks according to area covered;omrežja glede na prostranost;network interconnection;internetworking;medsebojno povezovanje omrežij;medomrežanje;social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;finance;finance;public revenue; |
ID: |
1014330 |