diplomsko delo
Mateja Krajnc (Author), Suzana Kraljić (Mentor)


Nasilje v družini predstavlja v prvi vrsti kršenje temeljnih človekovih pravic: pravice do življenja, do dostojanstva in do varnosti. Zavedati se moramo tudi, da je to problem celotne družbe in ne le posameznika ter da smo zato vsi odgovorni za preprečevanje oziroma odpravljanje tega pojava. Še posebej države, ki so dolžne varovati človekove pravice, morajo poskrbeti za posebno obravnavo tega družbenega problema, saj ima družina kot temeljna celica družbe pravico do družbenega in državnega varstva. Kot vsako drugo nasilje mora biti tudi nasilje v družini pravno urejeno. Tega se zaveda tudi Republika Slovenija, ki je v letu 2008 sprejela Zakon o preprečevanju nasilja v družini, s katerim je naredila pomemben korak naprej pri opozarjanju na ta družbeni problem, prav tako pa se je v istem letu spremenil tudi Kazenski zakonik, ki nasilje v družini inkriminira v samostojnem členu (191. Člen KZ-1). Država torej preko zakonodaje določa okvire za delovanje in ukrepanje v primeru nasilja in s tem zavezuje določene institucije, da sodelujejo pri zaščiti žrtve nasilja oziroma nudenju pomoči tako žrtvi kot tudi storilcem nasilja. Vendar pa sama zakonodaja ni zagotovilo za uspešno obravnavo in odpravo nasilja, če država ne poskrbi, da se zakoni tudi učinkovito izvajajo. Zato je potrebno na različnih področjih spremeniti tudi prakso dela posameznih organov oziroma institucij in poskrbeti za njihovo izobraževanje za delo na tem področju, saj se v primeru nasilja v družini prepletajo vloge vladnih in nevladnih organizacij, med katerimi so posebej pomembne policija, pravosodje, socialne službe.


družinsko pravo;nasilje v družini;policijska pooblastila;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [M. Krajnc]
UDC: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4221483 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3036
Downloads: 372
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Domestic violence is primarily a violation of fundamental human rights: the right to life, the right to dignity, the right to safety. We must also be aware that this is a problem of entire society, not just the individual, and that therefore we are all responsible for the prevention or elimination of this phenomenon. Especially countries which are obliged to protect human rights, should provide special treatment of this social problem. The family as the fundamental unit of society has the right to social and government protection. Like any other violence should also be a domestic violence legal regulated. This is also aware of the Republic of Slovenia, which in 2008 adopted a law of preventing domestic violence. This law was an important step forward in raising awareness of this social problem. In the same year also changed the Criminal Code, which incriminates domestic violence in an independent article (Article 191 KZ-1). The country therefore through legislation establishes the framework for action and reaction in case of violence. With this legislation bound certain institutions to participate in protecting victims of domestic violence and providing assistance to victims and perpetrators of violence. However, legislation alone is no guarantee of successful treatment and elimination of violence, if the government doesn’t care that the laws are effectively implemented. Therefore, in various areas is necessary to change the working practices of single organizations and institutions and to provide their education to work in this area. In the case of domestic violence are interact roles of government and non-governmental organizations, among which are especially important police, justice, social services.
Secondary keywords: Domestic violence;the Law on the prevention of domestic violence;police authority;the restraining order action to a certain place or person.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 64 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 1014527
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