diplomsko delo
Vesna Bućan (Author), Suzana Kraljić (Mentor)


Na področju medicine se ugovor vesti razume kot zavrnitev nečesa, kar ni v skladu s posameznikovo vestjo, moralnimi, humanitarnimi, filozofskimi ali etičnimi načeli. Ker je moralna plat vsakega človeka pomembna za njegovo integriteto, je v civiliziranem svetu uzakonjena pravica do ugovora vesti. Na medicinskem delovnem področju slej ko prej pride do razhajanj med pravno in poklicno (deontološko) normo. Da bi našli kompromis med obema nasprotujočima se normama in omogočili posamezniku izhod iz konflikta in ustvarili normalno delovanje dela, sprejema slovenski pravni red institut ugovora vesti, ki v posameznem primeru posameznemu zdravstvenemu delavcu pod določenimi pogoji omogoča, da pravne norme ne izpolni in s tem tudi ne ravna protipravno. V diplomski nalogi sem želela predvsem prikazati, kakšna je ureditev ugovora vesti v zdravstvu, natančneje zdravnika in medicinskih sester, njuna primerjalnost ter izpostaviti morebitne pomanjkljivosti in podati svoje predloge v pojavnosti le teh. Če na kratko povzamem je ugovor vesti pravica zdravstvenega osebja, da ne sodelujejo oziroma zavrnejo izvršitev pri določenem posegu (pr. splav, oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo...), ker ni v skladu z njihovo vestjo. V njihovi dispoziciji je, ali bodo določen poseg opravili ali ne. Pri tej pravici trčita interes zdravnika, ki zakonitega medicinskega posega ne želi opraviti, saj ni v skladu z njegovo vestjo, ter interes pacienta, ki želi, da se mu poseg opravi. Različna stališča v tem pogledu izhajajo z različnih stališč o življenju še nerojenega otroka, kar je stvar osebnega prepričanja in osebne vesti prizadetih; spoštovati pa je potrebno eno in drugo.


moralna pravica;moralna dolžnost;kodeks;ugovor vesti;zdravstveni delavci;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [V. Bućan]
UDC: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4225323 Link will open in a new window
Views: 12550
Downloads: 1482
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In the field of medicine, conscientious objection is perceived as a refusal to perform an action that is in contradiction with an individual’s conscience, moral, humanitarian, philosophical or ethical principles. As each individual’s morals are important for their integrity, the civilized world has adopted a legal right to conscientious objection. In the field or medicine sooner or later divergences between the legal and professional (deontological) norms will emerge. In order to find a compromise between the two contradictory norms, to provide the individual with a way out of the conflict and to establish a normal operating procedure, the Slovene legal system has adopted the conscientious objection, which in individual cases under certain conditions allows the individual health care worker to not observe the legal norm while also not act unlawfully. In my thesis I primarily wanted to present how conscious objection in medicine works, particularly with doctors and nurses, compare these two groups with each other and point out any potential disadvantages and present my suggestions in regard to them. To sum up, conscientious objection is the medical staff’s right to not participate in or to refuse to perform a certain procedure (e.g. abortion, artificial insemination...), because it is not in accordance with their conscience. It is up to them whether they will perform a specific procedure or not. In this case, the doctor’s interest to refuse to perform a legal medical procedure, as it is not in line with his conscience, clashes with the patient’s interest, who wants to have the procedure performed. Different opinions in this case originate in different opinions about the life of an unborn child, which is a matter of personal conviction and personal conscience of those affected; however, both must be respected.
Secondary keywords: Moral right;moral duty;codex;conscience;conscientious objection;doctor’s conscientious objection;nurse’s conscientious objection.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: IV, 51 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 1014640
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