diplomska dela
Dejan Podkrižnik (Author), Marijan Kocbek (Mentor)


Evropska delniška družba je pravnoorganizacijska oblika namenjena večjim podjetjem. Njen osnovni namen je omogočiti nosilcem podjetja, ki imajo interes opravljati svojo gospodarsko dejavnost na celotnem območju Evropske unije, lažji dostop do trgov Evropske unije. Ti nosilci podjetja se zlasti srečujejo s vprašanjem kako načrtovati in izvajati podjetniške dejavnosti na območju drugih držav članic. Pri uresničevanju tega interesa jim znatno olajša delo Evropska delniška družba, katere primarni namen je povečanje učinkovitosti in konkurenčnosti evropskega gospodarstva. Ideja o oblikovanju posebne pravnoorganizacijske oblike gospodarske družbe, ki bi bila subjekt nadnacionalne pravne ureditve in ki bi omogočila delovanje na področju vseh držav, se je porodila skupaj z idejo o skupnem evropskem trgu. Pobudo za premislek o oblikovanje take pravnoorganizacijske oblike je leta 1959 na kongresu francoskih notarjev podal notar Thibierge, od podane pobude do dejanskega sprejetja Evropske delniške družbe kot pravnoorganizaijske oblike pa je poteklo kar 40 let. Konsenz o oblikovanju evropske delniške družbe imenovane tudi Societas Europea je bil dosežen leta 2000 na vrhu v Nici. Za pravilno razumevanje koncepta pravnoorganizacijske oblike SE je potrebno izhajati iz temeljne ugotovitve, da to ni pravnoorganizacijska oblika, v kateri bi se podjetniška aktivnost šele začela opravljati, tako je SE predvsem namenjena večjim podjetjem (na kar kaže tudi njen začetni osnovni kapital, ki znaša 120.000 evrov), ki imajo interes po razširitvi svojega delovanja prek nacionalnih meja in bi ta svoj interes lažje uresničili tako, da bi izbrali pravnoorganizacijsko obliko SE, za katero ne velja (le) korporacijsko pravo države, v kateri naj bi se dejavnost v prihodnje opravljala, ampak predvsem nadnacionalno pravo, določeno z uredbo SE. SE je torej taka oblika delniške družbe, ki omogoča preprostejšo mobilnost gospodarskih subjektov v EU. V diplomskem delu je po predstavitvi ideje evropske delniške družbe in zgodovine sprejema te pravnoorganizacijske oblike, predstavljena sama evropska delniška družba. Posebno poglavje je namenjeno sodelovanju delavcev pri upravljanju SE.


evropska delniška družba;skupni evropski trgi;podjetja;delniške družbe;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [D. Podkrižnik]
UDC: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4238635 Link will open in a new window
Views: 6678
Downloads: 683
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: EUROPEAN COMPANY
Secondary abstract: European company is a juridical and logistical form purposed for bigger companies. Its primary purpose is to enable the carriers of companies who are interested in performing their economic activities in the whole of European Union and to provide them with an easier access to these markets. These carriers are mostly confronted with the issue how to plan and execute economic activity in other member states. The European company helps them greatly at achieving these goals, as its primary purpose is to increase productivity and competitiveness of the European economy. The idea to form a special juridical and logistical form of an economic company, which would have a legal order not limited to one country and would enable operation in all of the member states, was formed together with a common European market. The initiative to create such a juridical and logistical form was first presented in 1959 in the congress of French public notaries by Thibierge. It lasted 40 years from the given initiative until the European company was passed as a juridical and logistical form. Consent to form the European company also called Societas Europea was achieved in 2000 at the summit in Nice. To correctly understand the concept of the European company we must understand that it is not a juridical and logistical form that would only begin its economic activity and as such it is meant for bigger companies (this is further shown with its basic capital of 120.000€), that have an interest to expand their operations beyond their national borders and would achieve this goal easier by choosing the juridical and logistical form of an European company. For such companies the corporative law of the Societas Europea takes precedence over their countries law. The European company allows a simpler mobility of economic subjects in the EU. In this work the idea of the European company is presented, followed by its history and further the presentation of the European company itself and a chapter for the collaboration of workers at managing the European company.
Secondary keywords: European company;Societas Europea;common European market;stock company;juridical and logistical form;company.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 60 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 1014907
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