delo diplomskega seminarja
Urška Vaupotič (Author), Vesna Čančer (Mentor)


POVZETEK Delo diplomskega seminarja je razdeljeno na dva dela: teoretični in praktični del. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili različne tehnike in metode ustvarjalnega razmišljanja in odločanja, s katerimi smo v nadaljevanju reševali problem o načinu pospeševanja prodaje gostinskih storitev podjetja Taker d.o.o. V nadaljevanju smo opredelili vrste in načine pospeševanja prodaje, njihove cilje in namen. Načine pospeševanja prodaje smo razdelili na izbrane in ostale možne načine pospeševanja prodaje in jih nato natančno predstavili. Prodajo gostinskih storitev lahko pospešujemo na več možnih načinov. Načine pospeševanja prodaje lahko v večini primerov tudi združujemo oziroma kombiniramo. Zelo pomembno je, da ciljna skupina zazna in se odzove na izbrani način pospeševanja prodaje. Pri izbiri načina pospeševanje prodaje je prav gotovo potrebno uporabiti domišljijo in tako pridobiti čim več idej, ki jih lahko kasneje koristno uporabimo. S pomočjo pospeševanja prodaje gostinskih storitev želi podjetje Taker d.o.o. prepričati vse potencialne stranke, da se odločijo za obisk lokala Don Caffe. Tako si podjetje Taker d.o.o. želi ohranjati obstoječe in privabljati nove stranke lokala, posledično s tem pa povečati priliv denarja v podjetje. V praktičnem delu dela diplomskega seminarja smo predstavili problem, s katerim se trenutno sooča podjetje Taker d.o.o. Problem izbire načina pospeševanja prodaje smo reševali z različnimi metodami ustvarjalnega razmišljanja. Za večkriterijsko odločanje smo uporabili računalniški program Web-HIPRE, kjer smo upoštevali izbrane kriterije, podkriterije in alternative. Za reševanje določenega problema je med drugimi dobro uporabiti tudi tehniko W, saj z uporabo le-te pridobimo največ idej. S programom Web-HIPRE smo ugotovili, da so v tem primeru akcijske cene pijač najboljši način pospeševanja prodaje. S to alternativo ima podjetje tudi najnižje stroške izvedbe, kar je za podjetje ugodno. Ugotovili smo, da se v gostinstvu vse bolj uporabljajo načini pospeševanja prodaje, saj kratkoročno spodbujajo porabnike. Prav tako si podjetje s pospeševanjem prodaje ustvarja vidne takojšnje odzive strank in posledično le-teh finančne rezultate. Vendar pa ne smemo zanemariti dejstva, da gre za precej drag način spodbujanja porabnikov.


prodaja;pospeševanje prodaje;ideje;ustvarjalnost;reševanje problemov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Sobetinci
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [U. Vaupotič]
UDC: 658.8
COBISS: 10885404 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3458
Downloads: 452
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂuse of the creative problems solving methods in the selection of the ways of sales promotion
Secondary abstract: ABSTRACT This diploma seminar is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part presents different techniques and methods of creative thinking and decision making used for solving the issue of sales promotion of catering services of Taker Ltd. company. Further we define types and ways of sales promotion, their goals and purpose. Ways of sales promotion are further divided into chosen and other possible ways of sales promotion and presented in greater detail. Sales promotion of catering services can be performed in several ways. In most cases ways of sales promotion can be connected or combined. It is utterly important that the target group senses and responds to the selected sales promotion. Using one’s imagination and gathering as many ideas as possible - which can be used later on - is necessary for the successful choice of sales promotion methods. Taker Ltd. company aims to use sales promotion of their catering services to convince all potential customers to visit their Don Caffe café. By doing so they want to keep their existing customers and attract new ones, therefore increasing the money flow into the company. The practical part of this diploma seminar presents the problem Taker Ltd. company faces at present. We solved the issue of choosing the right way of sales promotion with different methods of creative thinking. Web-HIPRE programme was used for multicriterial decision making, taking into account the chosen criteria, subcriteria and alternatives. To solve a particular problem it is good to use – among other methods – the W technique since it enables us to obtain most ideas. By using Web-HIPRE programme we determined that in such a case action prices of drinks are the best way of sales promotion. This alternative also enables the company to have the lowest performance costs which is very favourable. We established that catering industry uses ways of sales promotion more and more since they encourage customers better in short-term periods. By doing so the company creates immediate customers’ responses and consequently gains better financial results. However, we should not neglect the fact that this is a rather costly way of customer encouragement.
Secondary keywords: Key vocabulary: sales promotion;ideas;techniques and methods of creative thinking and decision making;Web-HIPRE.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 42 str.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;communication and transport industries;accountancy;business management;public relations;komunikacije in transport;knjigovodstvo;poslovni menedžment;stiki z javnostjo;business management;administration;commercial organization;poslovni menedžment;administracija;komercialna organizacija;marketing;sales;selling;distribution;prodaja;distribucija;
ID: 1015423
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