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Barbara Cvetko (Author), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


Obravnavano področje se nanaša na tržno komuniciranje izobraževalnih storitev, kjer se v praktičnem delu analizira poslovanje jezikovne šole Hiša jezikov na tem področju. Tržno komuniciranje ni le oglaševanje in prodaja storitev. Vsaka organizacija mora razumeti potrebe svojih ciljnih skupin in poiskati rešitve, katere bodo te potrebe predvsem kakovostno zadovoljile. Zaposleni v organizaciji morajo biti usposobljeni za izvedbo celotnega postopka izvajanja tržnega komuniciranja, od raziskovanja tržišča, opredelitve ciljnih skupin in izbire orodja tržnega komuniciranja ter merjenja uspešnosti izvedene akcije, tako da se kot organizacija pozicionirajo na trgu s povpraševanju ustrezno ponudbo storitev. Pri tem je potrebno imeti dovolj spretnosti za odločanje o izbiri tržno-komunikacijskega orodja in njegovega celovitega izkoriščanja za zadovoljitev porabnikov. Tržno komuniciranje predstavlja pomemben dejavnik, s katerim si izobraževalne organizacije povečajo prodajo, prepoznavnost izobraževalnih storitev in pridobijo konkurenčno prednost. To pa ne pomeni le oblikovanje kvalitetne izobraževalne storitve in privlačne cene, temveč je potrebno z obstoječimi in potencialnimi udeleženci učinkovito komunicirati. Enako velja za notranjo komunikacijo, kjer lahko dobri medsebojni odnosi, motivacija zaposlenih in zahteva po visoki stopnji strokovnosti, vplivajo na uspeh organizacije na zunanjem trgu. S svojim delom sem želela opozoriti na pomen tržnega komuniciranja na področju izobraževalnih storitev, predvsem pri izvajanju jezikovnih programov v jezikovni šoli Hiša jezikov. V kolikor se bodo tržno-komunikacijske aktivnosti načrtovale pravočasno in organizirano, lahko jezikovna šola doseže velike napredke.


tržno komuniciranje;oglaševanje;pospeševanje prodaje;osebna prodaja;direktno trženje;odnosi z javnostjo;izobraževanje;jezikovni pouk;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [B. Cvetko]
UDC: 339.13:37
COBISS: 10927132 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1780
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Marketing communications of educational services
Secondary abstract: The area under consideration relates to the marketing communications of educational services where as a practical example of the work we analyze business operation of language school Hiša jezikov. Marketing communication is not just advertising or selling. Each organization needs to understand the needs of their target groups and find the solutions which these needs satisfy with high quality. Employees of the organization must be trained to carry out the process of implementing marketing communication, from market research, identifying the target groups and selecting the marketing communication tool and measuring the success of the action that was taken, so that the organization positions itself in the market with appropriate supply of services. It is necessary to have sufficient skills to decide on the choice of marketing communication tools and a full-scale exploitation to satisfy consumers. Marketing communication is an important factor, whereby educational organizations can increase sales, recognition of educational services and gain competitive advantage. This does not only include creating high-quality educational services and attractive prices, but it is necessary to effectively communicate with existing and potential participants. The same applies to internal communication where good interpersonal relations, motivation of employees and require of high level professionalism affects the organization's success on the market. With this work I like to draw attention to the importance of the marketing communication of educational services, particulary in the implementation of language programs in the language school Hiša jezikov. If the marketing communication activities will be planned and organized in time the language school can achieve significant progress.
Secondary keywords: marketing communication;advertising;sales promotion;direct marketing;public relations;personal selling;educational services;language school;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 62 str.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;trade;commerce;international economic relations;world economy;trgovina;tržišče;marketing;general questions of trade and commerce;market;splošna vprašanja o trgovanju in trgovini;social sciences;družbene vede;education;vzgoja in izobraževanje;šolstvo;pouk;
ID: 1015489