diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Cilj diplomske naloge je dokazati, ali nov analizator Siemens Dimension Vista 1500® daje primerljive rezultate nefelometru Siemens BN ProSpec. Na obeh analizatorjih smo merili koncentracije cistatina C v krvnem serumu z nefelometrično meritvijo, ki temelji na nastanku serumskih kompleksov med antigenom (cistatin C) in protitelesi. Analizirali smo 779 vzorcev zamrznjenega krvnega seruma v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Maribor. Metoda merjenja na analizatorju BN ProSpec velja kot ˝referenčna metoda˝, saj je daleč najbolj uveljavljena in se skoraj vsi laboratoriji zgledujejo po njej. Vista pa je prvi kompleksen analizator, ki ima dodatno vgrajeno nefelometrično metodo, je hitrejši ter priročnejši.
Iz statističnega ovrednotenja rezultatov, statističnih testov, rezultatov linearnih regresijskih koeficientov, Passing Bablokove regresijske premice in Bland Altmanove metode lahko zaključimo, da je metoda, ki jo uporablja nov kompleksen analizator Siemens Dimension Vista 1500® primerljiva referenčni metodi, in da lahko analize cistatina C preselimo na nov instrument.
primerjava metod;analizatorji;glomerulna filtracija;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2011 |
Source: |
Maribor |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering |
Publisher: |
[M. Senekovič] |
UDC: |
543.436:611.018.54(043.2) |
Views: |
2723 |
Downloads: |
283 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Method comparison for determination of cystatin c using different analysers |
Secondary abstract: |
Aim of diploma thesis is to confirm, if the new analyser Siemens Dimension Vista 1500® gives comparable results with the nephelometer Siemens BN ProSpec. Concentrations of cystatin C in blood serum were measured on both analysers using nephelometric method, which is based on formation of serum complexes between antigen (cystatin C) and antibodies. 779 samples of frozen blood serum were analysed in University Medical Centre Maribor. Method performed on BN ProSpec analyser was chosen as the ˝reference method˝, as it is most usually used in nearly all laboratories. Vista analyser is the first complex analyser, with additionally incorporated nephelometric method. It is faster and more convenient for manipulation.
From the statistical evaluation of measurements, namely statistical tests, linear regression coefficients, Passing Bablok regression method and Bland Altman method we can conclude that the new method which uses new complex Siemens Dimension Vista 1500® analyser is comparable with the reference method. From now on the analyses of cystatin C could be performed on the new instrument. |
Secondary keywords: |
cystatin;nephelometry;glomerular filtration; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo |
Pages: |
XI, 55 f. |
Keywords (UDC): |
mathematics;natural sciences;naravoslovne vede;matematika;chemistry;crystallography;mineralogy;kemija;analytical chemistry;analizna kemija;spectral analysis methods;optical analysis methods;applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;anatomy;human and comparative anatomy;anatomija;anatomija človeka in primerjalna anatomija; |
ID: |
1015492 |