diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Diplomska naloga ponazarja fotoreporterja kot uporabnika tehnik digitalne fotografije. Veliki del diplomske naloge sem namenila razumevanju osnov digitalne fotografije in fotografski opremi. V diplomski nalogi bom poskušala odgovoriti na vprašanje, katerega si zastavlja veliko ljudi, in sicer kako narediti najboljšo digitalno fotografijo. Pomembno je opomniti, da je danes fotografija zelo pomemben del našega življenja, fotografska dokumentacija se nahaja povsod, je že skoraj obvezen del podjetniških, vzgojno – izobraževalnih, političnih ter različnih drugih arhivov. Z vse večjim razvojem digitalnih aparatov se vsak dan veča število njegovih uporabnikov ter njen velik potencial. Diplomsko delo je napisano kot pripomoček, pomaga pri razumevanju osnov fotografije, za lažje razumevanje sem teoretičen del združila s praktičnimi primeri, v obliki slik in ilustrativnih skic.
Raziskovalni del diplomske naloge ponazarja dejanska stanja, narejen je v obliki intervjuja, kjer so intervjuvanci profesionalni fotografi s področja fotoreporterstva in profesionalni fotograf, kateri deluje na področju umetniške fotografije.
fotoreporter;digitalna fotografija;digitalno svetlobno tipalo;objektiv;bliskavica;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2011 |
Source: |
Maribor |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
Publisher: |
[I. Levačić] |
UDC: |
77.02:004(043.2) |
Views: |
11484 |
Downloads: |
385 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Photojournalist and techniques of digital photography - the best digital photography |
Secondary abstract: |
The diploma thesis presents the photojournalist as a user of digital photography techniques.Large part of diploma thesis is dedicated to understanding the basics of digital photography and photographic equipment. In this thesis I will try to answer the question, which raises a lot of people, namely how to make the best digital photography. It is important to note, that today the photography is very important part of our life, photographic print is everywhere, it is almost obligatory part of corporate, educational, political and various other archives. With the increasing development of digital appliances every day the number of its users is increasing and its great potential is seen. This thesis is written as a tool to help comprehend the basics of photography, for better understanding I combine theoretical with practical examples, in the form of pictures and illustration.
The research part of the thesis illustrates the actual situation and it is made in the form of an interview where the interviewees are professional photographer in the field of photojournalism and professional photographer, which operates in the field of art photography. |
Secondary keywords: |
photojournalist;digital photography;digital image sensor;lens;flash; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Medijske komunikacije |
Pages: |
V, 79 f. |
Keywords (UDC): |
the arts;recreation;entertainment;sport;umetnost;razvedrilo;zabava;šport;photography and similar processes;fotografija in podobni postopki;photographic operations;fotografski postopki;science and knowledge;organization;computer science;information;documentation;librarianship;institutions;publications;znanost in znanje;organizacije;informacije;dokumentacija;bibliotekarstvo;institucije;publikacije;prolegomena;fundamentals of knowledge and culture;propaedeutics;prolegomena;splošne osnove znanosti in kulture;computer science and technology;computing;data processing;računalniška znanost in tehnologija;računalništvo;obdelava podatkov; |
ID: |
1015716 |