diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Jasmina Rojko (Author), Dijana Močnik (Mentor), Suzana Žilič Fišer (Co-mentor)


Podjetja si nenehno prizadevajo krepiti in večati moč ter vrednost svoje blagovne znamke, saj si s tem zagotavljajo konkurenčne prednosti. Dober ugled blagovne znamke lahko oblikujemo z vrsto različnih trženjskih strategij, v diplomski nalogi pa bomo predstavili eno izmed njih. Co-branding ali partnersko povezovanje blagovnih znamk je v Sloveniji relativno nov pojem. Opredelimo ga kot povezavo dveh ali več blagovnih znamk, ki se sklene z namenom premišljene in strateške nadgradnje interesov. (Blackett, Boad, 1997, 7) V prvem poglavju bomo opredelili, kaj natančno co-branding je in kakšni so pogoji, da lahko določeno povezavo med blagovnima znamkama tako imenujemo. V nadaljevanju bomo opisali različne vrste co-brandinga ter navedli praktične primere za lažje razumevanje vseh podzvrsti. Vrste co-brandinga se namreč med seboj pogosto prepletajo in dopolnjujejo. Za pravilen izbor strategije morajo podjetja poznati priložnosti in prednosti ter tveganja in nevarnosti. Le-te bomo navedli za strategijo co-brandinga ter jih podrobno opisali v petem in šestem poglavju. Ko je strategija izbrana in cilji določeni, je izjemnega pomena pravilna izbira partnerja za sodelovanje. Raziskave so pokazale, da je co-branding uspešnejši, če se izpostavijo skupne točke, ki jih partnerja imata. (Panda, 2001, 7) Velikega pomena je ujemanje ugleda in vrednot blagovne znamke, saj lahko neujemanje le-teh povzroči zmedenost potrošnika glede co-brandiranega izdelka. Med potekom sodelovanja se namreč zgodi prenos vrednot med partnerji, kar imenujemo tudi »spill-over« učinki. V empiričnem delu bomo opisali in analizirali dva primera co-brandinga v Sloveniji, in sicer co-branding med filmom Prestopno leto in UniCredit Bank ter co-branding med filmom Predobra zame in termalnim parkom Aqualuna. Ker sta moč in vrednost blagovne znamke težje merljiva, bomo preko analize gledanosti filmov dokazali uspešnost izbrane strategije.


partnersko povezovanje blagovnih znamk;blagovne znamke;trženjska strategija;učinki razlitja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: [J. Rojko]
UDC: 316.77:334.72(043.2)
COBISS: 15879190 Link will open in a new window
Views: 13057
Downloads: 446
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Co-branding or partner relationships of brand names
Secondary abstract: Companies are constantly trying to strenghten and increase the power and value of their brand image to ensure competitive advantage. Good brand image can be developed with various marketing strategies. In this thesis, one of them will be presented. Co-branding or partnership relationship between brands is a relatively new concept in Slovenia. We define it as a co-operation between two or more brands and it is made with the intent of well-thought and strategic upgrade of interests. (Blackett, Boad, 2001, 7) The first chapter of the thesis defines co-branding and the conditions under which co-branding can appear. In addition, we describe different types of co-branding and give practical examples of each type for easier understanding. The types of co-branding are often interlinked and complementary. For the correct choice of a strategy the companies must know the opportunities, strenghts, risks and weaknesses of a chosen strategy. All of them will be described in chapters 5 and 6. When the strategy has been chosen and the goals have been set, it is extremely important to choose the appropriate partner for co-branding. The research has shown that co-branding is more succesful when the common points of partners are visible. (Panda, 2001, 7) It is of a huge importance for partners to have matching brand images and values. If these are not complementary, confusion on the consumer – considering the co-branded product – can follow. The transfer of values happens during the process of partnership, also known as the »spill-over« effect. In the empirical part of the thesis, two cases of co-branding in Slovenia are described and analyzed, namely co-branding between the film Leap Year and UniCredit Bank and co-branding between the film She's Out Of My League and aquatic park Aqualuna. Brand image and value are hard to measure. Therefore, an analysis of the films' ratings will be made to prove the sucess of the chosen marketing strategy.
Secondary keywords: co-branding;partnership;brand name;marketing strategy;spill-over effects;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Medijske komunikacije
Pages: IX, 78 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;sociology;sociologija;sociology of culture;cultural context of social life;sociologija kulture;social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;forms of organization and cooperation in the economy;oblike organiziranja in sodelovanja v gospodarstvu;
ID: 1016035
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