diplomsko delo
Marko Munda (Author), Lidija Fras Zemljič (Mentor), Simona Strnad (Co-mentor), Minka Kovač (Co-mentor)


V nalogi je izvedena protimikrobna funkcionalizacija dveh vlaknotvornih polimerov (naravni polimer: celuloza, sintetični polimer: polietilentereftalat) ki se najpogosteje uporabljata v najnaprednejših panogah kot so embaliranje živilskih izdelkov, razvoj novih medicinskih in sanitetnih materialov, ter vsadkov, itd. Za funkcionalizacijo le-teh smo uporabili polisaharid hitozan in sicer absorbiran v obliki tankih površinskih slojev s katerimi vnašamo v vlakna nove funkcionalne skupine, ki so gonilna sila biološke aktivnosti. Zatorej je bistvenega pomena uporaba tehnik, ki omogočajo analizo površinske elementarne sestave funcionaliziranih materialov. Cilj diplomske naloge je tako preučevanje površin funkcionaliziranih materialov z uporabo spektroskopskih metod ATR-FTIR ter komplementarne Raman spektrofotometrije za kvalitativno analizo funkcionalnih skupin vlaken. Doslej se je obema tehnikama namenjalo premalo pozornosti in sta tako okviru diplomske naloge podrobno preučeni in optimirani za uporabo vlaknotvornih polimerov funkcionaliziranih s polisaharidi. Analize funkcionaliziranih PET folij so pokazale da se hitozan v obliki filma oprime nosilnega materiala le mehansko in/ali s fizikalno adsorpcijo, medtem ko pa na celuloznih vlaknih ni moč zaslediti hitozana.


celulozna vlakna;polietilentereftalat;hitozan;funkcionalizacija;ATR FT-IR;Raman;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [M. Munda]
UDC: 677.1.014.32(043.2)
COBISS: 16461590 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2378
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Elemental characterization of functionalised fibres
Secondary abstract: The thesis discusses the implementation of antibacterial functionalization of two fibre formation polymers (a natural polymer: cellulose, a synthetic polymer: polyethylene terephthalate) which are most commonly used in most advanced sectors, as packing food products, development of new medical materials and implants etc. Polysaccharides as chitosan was used for functionalization, namely in the form of thin surface layers with which new functional groups were integrated into the fibres, and they formed the engine of biological activity. Therefore it is of vital importance to use the techniques which enable the analysis of superficial elementary composition of functionalized materials. The purpose of my thesis is to examine surfaces of functionalized materials by using the spectroscopic method ATR-FTIR and complementary Raman spectrophotometrics for quality analysis of functional groups of fibres. Until now both tehniques have not received enough attation and therefore are examined in details in my thesis and streamlined for the use of fibre formation polymers which are functionalized by polysaccarides. The analysis of functionalized PET foils has shown that the chitosan film attaches to the underlying material only mechanically and/or by means of physical adsorpiton; on the other hand, no chitosan can be detected on cellulose fibres.
Secondary keywords: cellulose fibers;polyethylene terephthalate;chitosan;functionalization;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Oblikovanje in tekstilni materiali
Pages: XIII, 58 f.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;various industries;trades and crafts;razne industrije;obrti in rokodelstva;textile industry;tekstilna industrija;bast fibres (fibres from dicotyledon stems);hard fibres (fibres from monocotyledon leaves and fruit);vlakna iz ličja;stebelna vlakna dvokaličnic;trda listna in plodovna vlakna enokaličnic;
ID: 1016227
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