diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Aljaž Cink (Author), Marjan Heričko (Mentor)


Živimo v dobi interneta in spletnih storitev, ki nas spremljajo na vsakem koraku. Nihče se pravzaprav ne zaveda, koliko znanja in truda je bilo vloženega za brezhibno delovanje vseh teh storitev. Danes so te storitve pogosto realizirane v obliki SOA aplikacij. Če hočemo trgu ponuditi neko storitev, ki bo ustrezala določenim standardom, jo moramo pred tem nujno tudi testirati. V diplomski nalogi smo najprej opisali storitveno usmerjeno arhitekturo in načine, kako jo testiramo. Nato smo pregledali nekaj orodij, ki so na trgu v ta namen in jih na kratko primerjali med seboj. V praktičnem delu diplomske naloge smo potem uporabili in ovrednotili eno izmed orodij za testiranje SOA aplikacij. Obstaja več vrst testiranj takšnih aplikacij, mi smo se osredotočili na funkcionalno in zmogljivostno testiranje.


testiranje;primerjava orodij;storitveno usmerjena arhitektura;SOA aplikacije;spletne storitve;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: [A. Cink]
UDC: 004.738.5
COBISS: 15961878 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1529
Downloads: 115
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Evaluation of Web service performance testing tools
Secondary abstract: We live in a time, where everything is oriented around internet and web services. Nobody actually thinks of how much knowledge and effort is being put into making of these services. A lot of these services are implemented in a form of SOA applications. If we want to distribute these kind of services to the market, we must test it first. In the folowing paper we first got to know the basics of SOA applications, how are they made and then how they are tested. Then we took a look at some of the tools, which we can use for these tests and compared them to each other. In the last section of the paper we used and evaluated one of these tools, to see how well it operates on testing a SOA application. There are many different aspects of testing a SOA application, we will only focus on functional and performance testing.
Secondary keywords: testing;tool comparison;SOA;software oriented applications;web services;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko
Pages: 55 f.
Keywords (UDC): science and knowledge;organization;computer science;information;documentation;librarianship;institutions;publications;znanost in znanje;organizacije;informacije;dokumentacija;bibliotekarstvo;institucije;publikacije;prolegomena;fundamentals of knowledge and culture;propaedeutics;prolegomena;splošne osnove znanosti in kulture;computer science and technology;computing;data processing;računalniška znanost in tehnologija;računalništvo;obdelava podatkov;computer communication;computer networks;računalniške komunikacije;računalniška omrežja;networks according to area covered;omrežja glede na prostranost;network interconnection;internetworking;medsebojno povezovanje omrežij;medomrežanje;
ID: 1016653
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