diplomsko delo
Martina Bezovšek (Author), Tone Ravnikar (Mentor)


Zgodnjesrednjeveško Celje se je razvijalo zelo počasi in razmeroma pozno pridobilo trški oziroma mestni status. Celje pridobi status trga v 13. stoletju v času grofov Vovbrških. Po njihovem izumrtju leta 1322 Celje postopoma popolnoma preide v roke gospodov Žovneških iz Savinjske doline. V 14. in 15. stoletju se skupaj s celjskimi grofi vzpenja tudi Celje, ki postane eno pomembnejših mest v srednji Evropi. Uspešna in ambiciozna rodbina grofov Celjskih je v kratki dobi svoje vladavine Celju vtisnila neizbrisen pečat. S svojo preračunljivostjo, spretno politiko in ženitvami so si nenehno večali bogastvo, vpliv in oblast. Po pokneženju celjskih grofov leta 1436 je Celje v listinah prvič poimenovano kot mesto, pa čeprav formalnopravno to še ni bilo. 11. aprila 1451 je Friderik II. Celjski na prošnjo celjskih meščanov priznal Celju vse pravice štajerskih mest. Določil mu je pomerij, oprostil meščane plačila davka od prodaje vina, jih odvezal obvezne prodaje dvorskega vina in tlake, še vedno pa so morali sodelovati pri gradnji obzidja. V tem času se je Celje pričelo hitreje razvijati. Razvoj je bil viden tako z arhitekturnega kot tudi s (samo)upravnega vidika. Zgodba o celjskih mestnih pravicah je hkrati zgodba o boju meščanstva za svoj prostor v družbi. Mesto je bilo prestolnica celjske kneževine, sedež vicedoma, okrožno glavarstvo, sedež četrti in sedež sodne oblasti za vso slovensko Štajersko. V diplomskem delu so transliterirane in analizirane listine, ki so mestu Celju in njegovim meščanom podeljevale svoboščine in privilegije do konca srednjega veka. Prične se s podelitvijo mestnih pravic grofa Friderika II. dne 11. aprila 1451, sledi ponovna potrditev in razširitev pravic grofa Ulrika II. z dne 6. oktobra 1455. Po izumrtju celjskih grofov leta 1456 je njihovo ozemlje prešlo pod Habsburžane. Tako v prihodnjih letih izdaja listine s potrditvami obstoječih pravic ter dodatnimi pravicami cesar Friderik III. in nato njegov naslednik, Maksimiljan I., ki sta se poleg potrjevanja že obstoječih pravic in privilegijev ukvarjala predvsem s pritožbami meščanov in urejanjem gospodarske in trgovinske problematike.


zgodovina;grofje Celjski;Celje;srednji vek;mestne pravice;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [M. Bezovšek]
UDC: 93/94(043.2)
COBISS: 19171592 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3752
Downloads: 451
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Celje city rights until the end of the middle ages
Secondary abstract: In the early medieval times Celje was a slowly developing town and got its status of a town relatively late. It became a medieval settlement in the 13th century in the times of the Heunburg counts. After their extinction in 1322 Celje got under the reign of the Lords of Žovnek. In the 14th and 15th century the Counts of Celje became one of the most important European noble families and Celje became one of the most important town in the Middle Europe. The Counts of Celje were a very successful and ambitious dynasty who were expanding their wealth and power. Although it was not legally proclaimed a town yet, in 1436 Celje was first mentioned as a town in documents. On the 11th April 1451 Friderick II. granted Celje its official rights. He defined Celje's legal borderline, exempted the residents from paying wine taxes, exempted them from certain forms of work, but they still had to help him build the town walls. In this era Celje was flourishing and achieved its greatest architectural as well as administrative success. Fight for Celje's city rights still has a strong symbolic meaning for this historic period. The town was the metropolis of the principality of Celje, headquarter of vicedom, regional district board, headquarter of the district and jurisdiction headquarter for the whole Slovenian Styrian. In my diploma I present transliterated and analyzed documents of how Celje gained its rights and position until the end of the Middle ages. It all started on 11th April 1451. On 6th October 1455 count Ulrich II. confirmed and extended the rights. With the extinction of the counts of Celje their territory was passed under the Hapsburg family. In that period the two emperors, Friderick III. and Maximilian I., were expanding and confirming old and new city rights.
Secondary keywords: the counts of Celje;Celje;city rights and privileges;the Middle ages.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: 118 f.
Keywords (UDC): geography;biography;history;geografija;biografija;zgodovina;history;zgodovina;
ID: 1017377