diplomsko delo
Nuša Kotnik (Author), Renato Vrenčur (Mentor)


Hipoteka v našem slovenskem pravnem sistemu poznana že dolgo časa in predstavlja najbolj razširjen institut stvarnopravnega zavarovanja kreditnih pogodb oziroma služi za zavarovanje denarnih terjatev upnika do zastavitelja na nepremičnini. Nepremičnine so zaradi razmeroma visoke in stabilne vrednosti v praksi pomembni objekti stvarnopravnih zavarovanj. Institut hipoteke v materialnem smislu ureja Stvarnopravni zakonik (SPZ). Hipoteka nudi močno jamstvo hipotekarnemu upniku in ga pooblašča, da v primeru nepravočasne izpolnitve svoje veljavne dospele terjatve skupaj z obrestmi in stroški vred, zahteva poplačilo svoje iz vrednosti zastavljene nepremičnine pred vsemi drugimi upniki zastavitelja. Hipoteka se kot knjižna stvarna pravica vpisuje v zemljiško knjigo, zato je potrebno upoštevati tudi pravila Zakona o zemljiški knjigi (ZZK-1), ki je izvedbeni predpis nepremičninskega stvarnega prava. Zemljiška knjiga velja za visoko kvalificiran in najvišjega zaupanja vreden vir informacij o pravnem stanju nepremičnin. Namenjena je vpisu in javni objavi podatkov o pravicah na nepremičninah in pravnih dejstvih v zvezi z nepremičninami, prav tako močno olajšuje promet z nepremičninami. Da bi lahko pravice učinkovale nasproti vsakomur, morajo biti javno objavljene, tako da se lahko z njimi seznanijo stranke in tretje osebe. Z zemljiško knjigo je hipoteki zagotovljena najvišja možna mera publicitete, kar v precejšnji meri ščiti hipotekarnega upnika pred morebitnimi zlorabami s strani zastavitelja. Ena od prednosti, ki jih nudi hipoteka, je visoka stopnja pravne varnosti prav zaradi načela zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo. Posledica vknjižbe je tudi, da nepremičnina služi zavarovanju terjatve, čeprav se spremeni njen lastnik. Takšna nepremičnina ostaja v pravnem prometu, ki kljub obstoju hipoteke pravno ni oviran, čeprav je dejansko težje prodati zastavljeno nepremičnino. Pri realizaciji hipoteke zunaj stečaja pa pridejo v poštev pravila Zakona o izvršbi in zavarovanju (ZIZ), v stečaju pa določbe Zakona o finančnem poslovanju, postopkih zaradi insolventnosti in prisilnem prenehanju (ZFPPIPP). V zadnjem času je prišlo do sprememb ZZK-1, zadnja novela ZZK-1C je glede hipoteke prinesla pomembne novosti, predvsem v zvezi s polno informatizacijo zemljiškoknjižnega postopka. S hipoteko se v praksi srečujejo sodniki, notarji, odvetniki, bančniki, stečajni upravitelji, profesorji, študenti pravnih fakultet, kakor tudi tisti, ki se pripravljajo na pravniški državni izpit. Namen in cilj moje diplomske naloge je predstaviti osnovne značilnosti ter spremenjeno ureditev hipotekarnega prava po noveli ZZK-1C.


hipoteka;zastava pravica na nepremičninah;zavarovanje terjatev;hipotekarni upniki;zemljiška knjiga;nepremičnine;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [N. Kotnik]
UDC: 34(043.2)
COBISS: 4364843 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2006
Downloads: 350
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In our Slovene legal system the mortgage or real estate line has been known for a long time and still represents the most widespread institution of real securities of credit agreements, that serve to protect one or more specific receivables that creditor has on the mortgage debtors property. In practice properties are relatively high worthy and well stable objects for property insurances. Institute of mortgage is generally regulated in the Law of Property Code. The mortgage represents a strong guarantee for mortgage creditor and authorizes him in case of untimely nonpayment along with interests and expenses to require repayment of the value of mortgaged property before all other creditors of the mortgagee. A mortgage is a right in rem, that must entered in the land register, in order to be created, so it is necessary to account the rules of the Land Registry, these rules are an implementing regulation of Real Estate Law. Land Registry is highly qualified and highly trusted source of information on the legal status of real estate. It is intended for registration, publication and also for information about rights on properties and legal facts relating real estates, it simplifies real estate business as well. In order to have an effect against anyone, rights in rem have to be widely publicized, so that clients and third parties can be acquainted with them. Land Registry provides mortgage the highest possible rate of publicity, which largely protects the mortgage creditor against potential abuse of the mortgage debtor. One of the advantages that mortgage has to offer is a high degree of legal certainty because of the main principle, so anyone in good faith and trusting informations in Land register are to be protected by this principle. As a result of entry properties serve to insure claims, although its owner changes. This property remains in legal transactions, despite the existence of mortgage, it is not limited or blocked, although it is actually harder to sell the pledged property. Realization of mortgages out of the bankruptcy is regulated in the Code of Execution. Recently there has been enaction of an amendment of Land Registry that brought important new regulations, particularly in relation to full computerization of land registry process. In practice mortgage is used by judges, notaries, lawyers, bankers, administrators, teachers, students of law faculties, as well as those who are preparing for the bar examination. The purpose and aim of my thesis is to present the basic characteristics and altered regulation of mortgage law, also the changes from new amended.
Secondary keywords: mortgage;real estate line;receivables;mortgage creditor;mortgage debtor;land register;real estate;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 70 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;
ID: 1025938
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