diplomsko delo
Ana Rupar (Author), Andrej Rahten (Mentor)


Pod vodstvom šaha Mohameda Reze Pahlavija je bil Iran eden izmed stebrov ameriškega obvladovanja Bližnjega vzhoda. Tako ni naključje, da so šaha imenovali "ameriški šah", saj se je vedno bolj spogledoval z načeli in vrednotami zahodnega sveta. V 60 letih 20. stoletja je začel s serijo reform, t. i. belo revolucijo, s katero je moderniziral gospodarstvo in iransko družbo. Odnesla ga je šele islamska revolucija z Ruholo Musavijem Homeinijem na čelu, tako da je januarja 1979 odpotoval iz države. Potem ko so leta 1978 v Teheranu, Kumu, Tabrizu in Esfahanu sledile množične demonstracije pod vodstvom verskih voditeljev, ki jih je iz Pariza vodil Homeini, je namreč ta leta 1979 prevzel funkcijo verskega in državnega voditelja ter se uveljavil kot ustanovitelj islamske republike Iran. Konservativna muslimanska duhovščina je po njegovem vzponu sprejela islamsko ustavo in osnovala teokratsko vladavino, pri čemer je bila moč sprejemanja najpomembnejših odločitev dana majhni skupini verskih strokovnjakov. ZDA, Velika Britanija in Izrael so iransko islamsko revolucijo leta 1979 dojeli kot pomemben politično-ekonomsko-strateški udarec oziroma izgubo lastnega hegemonskega stebra, zato v bistvu nikoli niso sprejeli nove iranske države in proti njej konstantno udejanjajo take ali drugačne sankcije.


zgodovina;šah Pahlavi;Homeini;demonstracije;islamska republika;Zahod;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Rupar]
UDC: 93/94(043.2)
COBISS: 19541768 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1343
Downloads: 137
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Slovene responses to the islamic revolution in Iran
Secondary abstract: Under the leadership of shah Mohamed Reze Pahlavi Iran was one of the bases for the American management in the Middle East. It is not the coincidence that shah was named The American shah, he was fond of principles and morals of the Western world. In the sixties, he started with series of reforms so called The White Revolution by which he modernized Iranian economy and society in general. He was deposed by Islamic revolution leaded by Ruholo Musavi Khomeini and in 1979 he left the country. In 1978 there were revolutionary acts in Teheran, Qom, Tabriz and Esfahan. This mass revolution was leaded by religious leaders monitored by the Ruholo Musavi Khomeini from Paris. In the 1979 Reze Pahlavi took the function of religious and country leader and asserted himself as a founder of Islamic Republic of Iran. After his upraise Muslim clerics founded Islamic constitution and based theocratic rule in which the power of legislations of the most important decisions was given to the small group of religious experts. The United States, Great Britain and Israel considered Iranian revolution in 1979 as an important political, economic and strategic hit and as a loss of its hegemonic base. That is why they never accepted the new Iranian country and they still provide different kind of sanctions against it.
Secondary keywords: shah Pahlavi;Khomeini;demonstrations;Islamic Republic;Western countries.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: 125 f.
Keywords (UDC): geography;biography;history;geografija;biografija;zgodovina;history;zgodovina;
ID: 1026771
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