diplomsko delo
Marcel Hajd (Author), Aleš Ferčič (Mentor), Matjaž Tratnik (Co-mentor)


Mednarodna trgovinska arbitraža je zasebno razsodišče, ki je ustanovljeno s posebnim dogovorom sodelujočih v primeru spora med njimi. Spada med alternativne oblike reševanja sporov. Od ostalih oblik se razlikuje po tem, da je njenim odločitvam v pravnem prometu priznan dokončen in zavezujoč pravni učinek. Z arbitražnim dogovorom tako stranke izključijo pristojnost sodišč. V poslovnih odnosih se pojem arbitraže prepogosto povezuje z gospodarskimi spori s tujim elementom, vendar pa se lahko arbitraže uporabijo tudi za spore z drugačno naravo in med domačimi subjekti. Dejstvo pa je tudi, da je na razvoj arbitražnega prava najbolj vplivala mednarodna trgovina. Področje mednarodne trgovinske arbitraže pa presega zgolj pravno analizo, saj odseva tudi zgodovinski, sociološki in kulturni napredek ter razvoj, pomembna pa je tudi, saj želi preseči nacionalne okvirje in omejitve različnih pravnih redov. Vsak potencialni arbitražni postopek ima svoje korenine v arbitražnem dogovoru. Za takšno obliko reševanja sporov mora obstajati soglasje med strankami. V arbitražnem sporazumu pa ne gre za golo pripravljenost reševati spor pred arbitražo, saj lahko stranke modificirajo cel postopek s svojimi željami in potrebami. Gre za načelo avtonomije strank, ki je v sodnih postopkih zelo zreducirano, arbitražni postopek pa z določenimi omejitvami spremlja od rojstva do smrti. Pri institucionalnih arbitražah je avtonomija nekoliko manjša, saj stranke v arbitražni dogovor vključijo posebne postopkovne pravilnike. Obstajajo pa tudi priložnostne arbitraže pri katerih stranke same določijo pravila postopka. Arbitražno kolo se zažene, ko stranka arbitražnega sporazuma vloži tožbo oz. zahtevek za reševanja spora pred arbitražo. Stranke lahko sklenejo arbitražni dogovor tudi po izbruhu spora. V naslednji fazi je nato potrebno imenovanje članov arbitražnega senata in njegova konstitucija. Ko je arbitražni senat tako ustanovljen je potem njegova naloga in pristojnost, da pripelje postopek do dokončne rešitve spora med strankami. Običajno se spor konča z izdajo zavezujoče in dokončne arbitražne odločbe, med postopkom pa lahko pride tudi do sporazumnega odstopa, največkrat je to s sklenitvijo poravnave. Arbitražni postopek pa se »dokončno« zaključi, ko stranka dobi to, do česar je upravičena v arbitražni odločbi. Večji del arbitražnih odločb je izpolnjenih prostovoljno, za ostale arbitražne odločbe s tujim elementom pa so na voljo posebni mehanizmi priznanja in izvršitve. Ti mehanizmi so poenoteni po vsem svetu.


arbitražno pravo;mednarodna trgovinska arbitraža;arbitražne klavzule;arbitražni sporazumi;arbitražne odločbe;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [M. Hajd]
UDC: 347.918(043.2)
COBISS: 4479275 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1533
Downloads: 262
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: International commercial arbitration is a private dispute resolution mechanism. It is established by a special agreement of participants who wants to arbitrate. Arbitration is one of the forms of the alternative dispute resolutions (ADR). The main difference in relation to other forms of ADR is final and binding nature of arbitral award, just like the decisions from national courts. In business relationships arbitration has been preferred means for resolving transnational commercial disputes, as well as other categories of disputes. Moreover, the fact is that the development of arbitration law is most influenced by international trade. Field of international commercial arbitration is going above than just pure legal issues. It reflects historical, social and cultural progress as well as general development. International commercial arbitration is also trying to exceed the limits of different national legal systems. Every potential arbitration proceedings has its origins in arbitration agreement. For this form of resolving disputes, arbitration agreement is conditio sine qua non for entire procedure. Arbitration agreement is not just a mere consensus between the parties to arbitrate, however they can modify the entire proceeding to their needs and wishes. This echoes one of the most important principles, which is the principle of party autonomy. In national courts the principle of party autonomy is cut down to its minimum nevertheless, party autonomy in international commercial arbitration exists from the very beginning to the very death of arbitration process. In international commercial arbitrations there is a high degree of party autonomy however, institutional arbitrations does not poses such wide scope of this principle as does the ad hoc arbitrations. Arbitration proceeding starts when one of the parties fills its request for arbitration. The arbitration agreement is not necessary to be signed prior the dispute arises. The next stage is appointment of arbitrators and the constitution of the arbitral tribunal. After the panel is constituted the main task and the responsibility is to render an arbitral award according to applicable law. Usually, the proceeding is ended when arbitral tribunal render a final and binding arbitral award, although it can also end by signing a setlement. In addition the “real” ending of arbitral process is when a party gets the amount to which it is entitled by arbitration award. The great part of arbitral award are in fact carried out voluntarily, that is to say, without need for enforcement proceedings in national courts.
Secondary keywords: international commercial arbitration;institutional arbitration;arbitration clause;arbitration agreement;arbitration proceedings;arbitration award;recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: VI, 64 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;civil law;civilno pravo;legal procedure;judiciary personnel and organization;pravni postopek;sodni uslužbenci in organizacija sodstva;
ID: 1026988