diplomsko delo
Damijan Grlec (Author), Andrej Hozjan (Mentor), Andrej Rahten (Co-mentor)


Zemljiško gospostvo Gornja Lendava je bilo skupaj z istoimenskim močno utrjenim gradom, sedežem veleposesti, skozi celoten srednji in zgodnji novi vek izpostavljeno številnim nevšečnostim, ki jih je pogojevala njegova obmejna lega. Skozi celoten čas je bilo zato na udaru različnih vojska in idealna točka za plenjenje in povračilne ukrepe štajerskih plemičev. Zidano grajsko poslopje sega v 13. stoletje, samo zemljišče se omenja že veliko prej. Prelomno je leto 1208, ko posest dobi v roke župan Nikolaj iz Železnega. Nato si v dolgi vrsti sledijo različni lastniki, dokler leta 1365 na to izjemno pomembno strateško posest ne pridejo gospodje Seči. Ti so pustili tukaj svoj trajen pečat, saj so posestniki teh krajev skupaj s svojo izvorno slovaško vejo Rima-Sečiji vse do leta 1685, ko se zadnjič omenjajo v listinah. Sečiji so ena najpomembnejših madžarskih plemiških rodbin in so uspeli v svojih rokah združiti kar štiri kronske posesti: Gornjo Lendavo, Dobro, Mursko Soboto in Monošter. Posest se je po izumrtju zadnjega Sečija Gornjelendavskega začela deliti in v nekaj porokah prešla v roke drugih plemiških rodbin: Salmov, baronov Poppel Lobkovice in na koncu grofov Batthyány. Rima-Sečiji so bili baroni, šele pred sredo 17. stoletja so bili povzdignjeni v grofe. Grofje so skupaj z okoliškim plemstvom vodili obrambo zahodnih predelov Madžarske pred Turki, nemajhno vlogo so odigrali v času verskih sporov, ko so najprej aktivno širili novo vero, nato pa le nekaj let pred izumrtjem začeli s katoliško obnovo. Sledijo razni vmesni lastniki, dokler si pravic nad zemljiškim gospostvom ni pridobila grofovska rodbina Nádasdy. Eden od članov rodbine, Franc IV., je bil poročen z edino hčerko zadnjega Rima-Sečija. Grofom je uspelo to posest pridobiti okrog leta 1689 in od takrat so bili lastniki te zemljiške posesti, vse dokler je niso prodali leta 1856. Grofje Nádasdy niso živeli na gradu, tukaj so bivali občasno. Grajsko poslopje so temeljito spremenili in mu dali današnji baročni videz. Nadaljevali so tudi s katoliško obnovo in bili bogati dobrotniki svojih patronatskih cerkva. V njihovem času je bila turška nevarnost že mimo, v te kraje se je po dolgih stoletjih vojska in pustošenja naselil mir.


zgodovina;zemljiška gospostva;Lendava;zgodnji novi vek;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [D. Grlec]
UDC: 94(497.4Lendava):332.2"15/18"
COBISS: 35149101 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2684
Downloads: 350
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂestate of Gornja Lendava in the early modern age and till the year 1862
Secondary abstract: The feudal estate Upper Lendava with its heavily fortified castle was through the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age the seat of large estates and was exposed to many annoyances, which is conditioned with its border location. Throughout all this time it was under aggression from different armies and ideal point for strikes, pillage and retaliations strikes of Styrian nobles. Brick mansion dates back to the 13th century. The land itself was mentioned much earlier. Turning point was in the year 1208 when the property was given in the hands of mayor Nikolaj iz Železnega. He was followed by a long line of different owners until the year 1365 when this very important strategic property comes into hands of landlords Széchy. They have left a lasting impact as landowners of the area, together with its Slovak branch of the original Rima- Széchy. This lasted until the year 1685 with their last mention in the documents. Széchy was one of the most important Hungarian noble families and they succeeded to combine under their rule as many as four crown possessions: Upper Lendava, Dobro, Murska Sobota and Monošter. After dying out of Széchy family, the Upper Lendava estate started breaking apart through weddings and it passed into the hands of other noble families: Salmov, Baron Poppel Lobkovice and in the end Counts of Batthyány. Rima-Széchys were barons until the middle of the middle of the 17th century when they were exalted into Counts. Counts, together with other nobles, were leading part of western part defense line of Hungary against the Turks, they played considerable role during religious conflicts, as they first spread new religion. Just few years before dying out of their family lines they began with the Catholic restoration. They were followed by various intermediate owners until the rights over the estate were acquired by Counts of Nádasdy family. One of the members of the Family, Franc IV, was married to the only daughter of the last Rima-Széchy. Counts managed to acquire the estate in the year 1689 and they were the owners of the estates as long it was sold in the year 1856. Counts Nádasdy did not live in the Castle, as it was their occasional place of residence. The Castle was profoundly altered under their rule and they gave the Castle present Baroque appearance. They continued the Catholic renewal and were rich benefactors of their patronage Churches. In that time the Turkish threat was over, after long centuries of military devastation came peace.
Secondary keywords: history;seigneuries;Lendava;early modern period;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: [8], 115 f.
Keywords (UDC): geography;biography;history;geografija;biografija;zgodovina;general history;splošna zgodovina;social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;regional economics;territorial economics;land economics;housing economics;regionalno gospodarstvo;zemljiško gospodarstvo;stanovanjsko gospodarstvo;land economics;ekonomika zemljišč;zemljiška posest;nepremičnine;
ID: 1027042
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