diplomsko delo
Tjaša Jakljič (Author), Saša Prelič (Mentor)


V stečajnem postopku upravitelj opravlja procesna in druga dejanja zaradi varovanja in uresničitve interesov upnikov. Glavni cilj stečajnega postopka je v čim večjem odstotku poplačati terjatve upnikov ter po končani unovčitvi premoženja stečajnega dolžnika in razdelitvi stečajne mase, insolventnega gospodarskega subjekta izbrisati iz sodnega registra. Skozi stečajni postopek morajo vsi subjekti, ki sodelujejo v stečajnem postopku, upoštevati temeljna načela postopka, ki jih predvideva Zakon o finančnem poslovanju, postopkih zaradi insolventnosti in prisilnem prenehanju (v nadaljevanju ZFPPIPP) . Eno najpomembnejših načel stečajnega postopka, ki varuje upnike, je načelo enakega obravnavanja upnikov. Na podlagi navedenega načela je potrebno vse upnike, ki so v razmerju do insolventnega dolžnika v enakem položaju, obravnavati enako. Se pa upniki med seboj razlikujejo glede na vrsto terjatve, ki jo imajo do stečajnega dolžnika. ZFPPIPP izrecno opredeljuje štiri vrste terjatev, in sicer zavarovane, navadne, prednostne in podrejene. Upnik, ki ima terjatev zavarovano z ločitveno pravico, ima pri prodaji premoženja, ki je predmet ločitvene pravice, prednostno pravico do poplačila pred ostalimi upniki, katerih terjatve niso zavarovane. Razlika med zavarovanimi in nezavarovanimi terjatvami se pokaže že pri prijavi in preizkusu terjatev, bistvena pa je pri oblikovanju in razdelitvi stečajne mase. Tekom stečajnega postopka se oblikuje splošna stečajna masa in posebne stečajne mase. Navedeno je posledica dejstva, da imajo nekateri upniki na določene premoženju stečajnega dolžnika ločitveno pravico.


gospodarsko pravo;stečajno pravo;insolvenčno pravo;stečaji;stečajni postopek;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [T. Jakljič]
UDC: 347.736(043.2)
COBISS: 4531755 Link will open in a new window
Views: 6046
Downloads: 1129
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In a bankruptcy proceeding, the official receiver shall perform procedural and other activities in order to protect and realize the interests of the creditors. The main objective of a bankruptcy proceeding is to repay creditors to the fullest percentage and upon the encashment of assets owned by the party in the bankruptcy proceeding and the distribution of the bankruptcy estate, delete the insolvent business entity from the court register. Throughout the bankruptcy proceedings process, all entities involved in the bankruptcy proceedings must follow the fundamental principles of the procedure provided by the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act (hereinafter ZFPPIPP) . One of the most important principles of a bankruptcy proceeding, which protects creditors, is the principle of equal treatment of creditors. On the basis of the above mentioned principle, it is necessary to treat all creditors who are in the same position towards the insolvent debtor equally. The creditors differ amongst each other depending on the type of claim they have against the debtor in bankruptcy. ZFPPIPP explicitly defines four types of claims such as secured, ordinary, preferred and subordinated. A creditor who has a claim insured by a right to separate settlement, has a priority right to receive payment, before other creditors whose claims are not secured during the sale of property that is subject to a right to separate settlement. The difference between secured and unsecured claims already appears in the application and examination of claims. What is essential is the design and distribution of the bankruptcy estate. A general bankruptcy estate and a special bankruptcy estate are established during the course of the bankruptcy proceedings. A consequence of this fact is that some creditors have a right to separate settlement on certain property of the debtor in bankruptcy.
Secondary keywords: a bankruptcy proceeding;a creditor;a debtor in bankruptcy;a claim;a bankruptcy estate;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 55 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;civil law;civilno pravo;commercial law;company law;gospodarsko pravo;pravo gospodarskih družb;
ID: 1027507
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