diplomsko delo


V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali razredne ure, ki so lahko odlična priložnost za usposabljanje učencev za nadaljnje življenje. Razredne ure se od šole do šole razlikujejo. Nekatere šole izvajajo razredne ure samo z namenom opravljanja administrativnih nalog, medtem ko se na nekaterih šolah obravnava kakovostna tematika. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela smo najprej na kratko predstavili razrednika in razred, nato smo se osredotočili na razredne ure. Predstavili smo njihov pomen, metode dela, značilnosti, pripravo, namen izvajanja in vsebino. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskava, ki smo jo izvedli med dijaki treh srednjih strokovnih oz. tehniških šol s Koroške. Namen empiričnega dela je raziskati pričakovanja učencev glede izvajanja razrednih ur, vsebine, ki jih želijo obravnavati na razrednih urah, sodelovanje med učenci in razrednikom pri izbiri vsebin in vpliv razrednih ur na osebnostni razvoj učencev, na odnose s sošolci in razrednikom ter na sposobnost reševanja težav. Prav tako smo ugotavljali, kakšne spremembe razrednih ur predlagajo učenci. Pri omenjenih sklopih smo preverjali obstoj razlik glede na spol in letnik učencev. V raziskavi je uporabljena deskriptivna in kavzalno ne eksperimentalna metoda empiričnega pedagoškega raziskovanja. Rezultati kažejo, da se učenci, vključeni v raziskavo, na razrednih urah počutijo dobro. Učenci menijo, da bi morale razredne ure potekati enkrat tedensko po 45 minut, da mora udeležba na razrednih urah obvezna in da je najprimernejša metoda za izvajanje razrednih ur frontalno delo razrednika z vsem razredom. Ugotovili smo, da pri izbiri vsebin ne sodelujejo z razrednikom, saj ta le-te izbere sam. Po mnenju učencev so najprimernejše vsebine za obravnavanje na razrednih urah prav administrativne zadeve, kot je pregled izostankov in pregled ocen. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da razredne ure ne vplivajo na osebnostni razvoj učencev in na njihove odnose s sošolci in razrednikom. Prepričanje učencev o tem, ali so se na razrednih urah naučili reševati težave, je razdeljeno, večina meni, da na razrednih urah, ki jih obiskujejo, ni potrebe po spremembah.


pedagogika;razredne ure;razredniki;razred;osebnostna rast;težave;reševanje;vsebina;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [V. Turičnik]
UDC: 37(043.2)
COBISS: 19872776 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3088
Downloads: 370
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Class meetings from a student's point of view
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis deals with class meetings, which can provide excellent opportunities for preparing students for life. Class meetings differ from school to school. Some schools hold class meetings with the sole intention of handling administrative tasks, while others introduce quality topics. The theoretical part of the thesis first introduces the class teacher and the class, and then focuses on class meetings. The significance of class meetings is looked into, as well as particular work methods employed, the features and preparations for class meetings, and their purpose and content. The empirical part of the thesis relays the research that has been conducted among students of three different vocational high schools from the Koroška region. The purpose of the empirical part was to determine the students' expectations regarding class meetings, which topics they would like to discuss, how the students cooperate with the class teacher when choosing topics, and the impact of class meetings on the students' personal growth, relations among students as well as the relationship between students and the class teacher, and the ability to solve problems. The research also inquired into what changes to class meetings the students would propose, all the while taking into consideration possible differences in opinion with a view to gender and age of the students in question. The research employed a descriptive and non-experimental method for causal analysis of empirical pedagogical research. The results show that the students included in the research feel positive about class meetings. The students think that class meetings should be held once a week for 45 minutes, that participation should be mandatory, and that the best method for conducting class meetings is traditional frontal teaching. It has been established that students have no say in setting the topics for class meetings since these are chosen by the class teacher alone. According to the students, the most suitable issues to be raised at class meetings are administrative matters, such as reviewing absences and grades. It has also been determined that class meetings have no impact on the personal growth of the students nor do they influence relations among students or the relationship between the students and the class teacher. Student opinion on whether class meetings taught them how to solve problems is divided, while the majority think that the class meetings they attend have no need for alterations.
Secondary keywords: class meetings;class teacher;class;personal growth;problem solving;class meeting content;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Pages: VI, 137 f., 5 f. pril.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;education;vzgoja in izobraževanje;šolstvo;pouk;
ID: 1027518
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