diplomsko delo
Sandi Antolovič (Author), Renato Vrenčur (Mentor)


Služnosti predstavljajo klasičen institut stvarnega prava, ki pravnemu subjektu zagotavljajo določeno oblastvenost na stvari, ki je dejansko v lastništvu drugega subjekta. Lastnika stvari omejuje, zaradi česar služnost ne more obstajati na lastni stvari. Oblast nad stvarjo se v primeru služnostne pravice dejansko deli med lastnika stvari in služnostnega upravičenca. Služnosti delimo na dve osnovni kategoriji in sicer na osebne in stvarne služnosti, za obe pojavni obliki pa je bistveno to, da služnostni upravičenec lahko v določenem obsegu razpolaga s služečo stvarjo in v tem obsegu lastnika stvari izključuje od izvrševanja njegovega lastniškega upravičenja. Pravni institut služnosti se je pojavljal že daleč nazaj v zgodovini prava, do danes pa je dosegel že izredno visoko stopnjo razvoja. Pojem služnosti kot tak se skozi zgodovino do danes ni spreminjal, spreminjale pa so se njegove pojavne oblike, in sicer kot posledica razvoja družbenih odnosov, ki so ves čas vzpodbujali prilagajanje služnosti trenutnim razmeram. Posledično so novejše pravne ureditve instituta prinesle le njegovo bolj sistematično in natančnejšo ureditev. V svojem diplomskem delu sem na začetku osvetlil sam pravni pojem instituta služnosti ter vire, ki ta institut urejajo. Osrednji del naloge je namenjen orisu splošnih značilnosti in načel, značilnih za ta institut, ter sistematičnemu prikazu obeh osnovnih vrst služnosti, z opredelitvijo pojmov, značilnosti, vrst in podvrst, razlikovanj ter stičnih točk obeh vrst služnosti. Zaključek svoje diplomske naloge pa sem posvetil posebnemu delu služnosti, t.i. nepravim služnostim, s poudarkom na služnostih v javno korist.


civilno pravo;osebne služnosti;stvarne služnosti;stvarnopravni zakonik;neprave stvarne služnosti;služnosti v javno korist;zakon o urejanju prostora;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [S. Antolovič]
UDC: 347.2(043.2)
COBISS: 4546347 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2379
Downloads: 747
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Easements represent a classic institute of property law which gives a legal person the right of use over the property of others. A property owner cannot hold an easement on his own possessions. In the case of easements the rights on the property are divided among the actual owner and the easement holder. Easements are divided into two basic categories: personal and real estate easements, both of which enable the easement holder to make use of the property to some extent and to limit the actual owner in exercising his property rights. The legal institute of easement dates far back in the history of law and has achieved an extremely high level of development until today. The concept of easement as such has not changed much throughout the history. However, there have been many changes in its manifestations due to the developments in social relations which demanded the constant change and adaptation of easement with regard to the changing circumstances. As a result of that, later legal arrangements of that institute brought only its more systematic and detailed arrangements. At the beginning of my diploma thesis I presented the institute of easement, as well as the legal sources which govern the institute. The central part of the thesis includes an outline of the general characteristics and principles specific to this institute, as well as a systematic display of both basic types of easements with the definition of the concepts, characteristics, species and sub-species, differences and connection points of both types of easements. The final part of the diploma thesis is devoted to a special section of the easement - improper real easement with a focus on the easement for public benefit.
Secondary keywords: personal easement;real easement;Law on Property Act;improper real easement;easement in the overall benefit;Law of regulating the space;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 46 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;law;jurisprudence;pravo;pravoznanstvo;civil law;civilno pravo;law of realty;real rights;things;chattels;stvarno pravo;nepremičnine;premičnine;
ID: 1028148
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