Marko Ferjan (Author), Mitja Mežnar (Author), Eva Jereb (Author)


The concepts of learning organization and organizational learning have made a significant contribution to the development of some major global companies such as Nokia, Oracle, Microsoft and others. This article explores whether the learning organization concept has proved successful in sports, specifically in ski jumping. The study was conducted among ski jumpers who compete in the World Cup. The questionnaire was distributed to 130 ski jumpers, and 54 correctly completed questionnaires were returned. The study has indicated that ski jumping is a sport of distinct individualists. Individual talent is an extremely important factor for success in this sport. We can say with absolute certainty that all surveyed ski jumpers are able to take 16th to 50th place in a World Cup race. The differences between competitors are very minor, even in the biggest races. Therefore, when it comes to success, every single detail matters. We have identified a weak correlation between the best sporting achievement and collaboration in the testing of new equipment. In the past, some of the best results were achieved on the basis of experimentation, but contemporary coaches do not dare to over-experiment with the technique. Too frequent progress measurements place a burden on competitors. There is a positive correlation between the frequency of individual analysis and the success of a competitor, while the best achievement and variables from “team work” group are negatively correlated. The relationships within a team are obviously very complex.


learning organization;sports organization;ski jumping;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
UDC: 005.7
COBISS: 7198483 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1318-5454
Parent publication: Organizacija
Views: 1559
Downloads: 556
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Smučarski skoki - bitka talentov v učeči se organizaciji
Secondary abstract: Koncept učeče se organizacije in organizacijskega učenja so najpomembneje prispevali k razvoju nekaterih velikih svetovnih podjetij: Nokia, Oracle, Microsoft in mnogih drugih. Avtorji članka raziskujejo, ali se koncept učeče se organizacije izkaže za uspešnega tudi v športu, konkretno v smučarskih skokih. Opravljeno je bilo anketiranje med smučarskimi skakalci, ki nastopajo v svetovnem pokalu. Anketni vprašalnik je bil poslan 130 skakalcem, vrnjenih je bilo 54 pravilno rešenih vprašalnikov. Raziskava je pokazala, da so smučarski skoki šport izrazitih individualistov. Za uspeh je izjemno pomemben talent posameznika v tem športu. Z veliko gotovostjo lahko trdimo, da so vsi anketirani skakalci sposobni uvrstitve na mesta med 16 do 50 na tekmi svetovnega pokala. Razlike med tekmovalci, tudi na največjih tekmah, so zelo majhne. Zato je za uspeh pomembnaprav vsaka malenkost. Prepoznali smo šibko korelacijo med najboljšim tekmovalnim dosežkom in sodelovanjem pri testiranju nove opreme. Nekateri najboljši rezultati so bili v preteklosti doseženi na podlagi eksperimentiranja, sodobni trenerji pa ne upajo preveč eksperimentirati s tehniko. Prepogosta merjenja napredka tekmovalce obremenjujejo. V raziskavi se je zelo pokazal pomen individualnosti posameznika. Med pogostostjo individualne analize in tekmovalnim uspehom obstaja tekmovalca korelacija (r=0,256, p=0,05). Ugotovljena je bila negativna korelacija med spremenljivko »najboljši tekmovalni dosežek« in spremenljivkami iz skupine »teamsko delo«. Odnosi v ekipah so očitno zelo zapleteni.
Secondary keywords: učeča se organizacija;šport;šmučarski skoki;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 119-129
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ46
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ4
Chronology: jul.-avg. 2013
DOI: 10.2478/orga-2013-0014
ID: 1029947
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