magistrsko delo
V nalogi preučujemo kraška travišča (Scorzoneretalia villosae) v občini Komen.Namen naloge je bil preučiti, s kakšno rabo so se ta travišča ohranila do danes in s kakšno usmerjeno rabo jih lahko ohranimo v prihodnje oz. kje so realne možnosti za uresničitev teh naravovarstvenih ciljev glede na stanje na področju sociosfere in na razmere v prostoru. Poseben poudarek je na kvalifikacijskih vrstah metuljev in ptic iz evropskega ekološkega omrežja Natura 2000, ki so vezane na kraška travišča. Na podlagi terenskega popisa rabe tal in ugotavljanja razširjenosti kraških travišč, popisa ptic in metuljev ter zgodovinske primerjave v rabi tal na treh raziskovanih ploskvah smo ugotovili, da so ta travišča še razširjena na naših raziskovanih ploskvah in da je pestrost ptic in metuljev zaenkrat še visoka. Rezultati popisov ptic in metuljev pa nas opozarjajo, da je optimalna stopnja pestrosti habitatov in mozaične strukture krajine že presežena. Trend zaraščanja v smeri gozda napreduje zelo hitro in kmetijstva v vlogi nekdanjega vzdrževalca kulturne krajine ni več. Na občinski ravni predlagamo nekatera območja in načine usmerjene kmetijske rabe, s pomočjo katerih bi lahko vsaj delno ohranili primerne habitate obravnavanih kvalifikacijskih vrst.
kraška travišča;Scorzoneretalia villosae;občina Komen;raba tal;Natura 2000;metulji;ptice;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2007 |
Source: |
Ljubljana |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty |
Publisher: |
[L. Jogan Polak] |
UDC: |
633.2.03:502.211:582:581.52+565.78+598.2(497.4 Komen) |
Views: |
883 |
Downloads: |
371 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Conservation of Karst grasslands and their qualifying species for Natura 2000 |
Secondary abstract: |
In the Master's thesis we have analysed the karst grasslands (Scorzoneretalia villosae) within the Municipality of Komen in south-western Slovenia, close tothe border with Italy. The aim of the study was to analyse which land use had conserved these grasslands through to the present, with which land use canwe conserve them in the future and where the possibilities of realising ournature conservation goals lie when considering the current social and spatial conditions. Special attention is given to the qualifying species of butterflies and birds included in the EU ecological network Natura 2000 that are linked to the karst grasslands. In our study we surveyed the land use, estimated the presence of the karst grasslands, surveyed the birds and butterflies and made a historical comparison of land use within three researchplots. We found that within our plots the karst grasslands are still present and that the diversity of birds and butterflies is still high. However, the results from these surveys indicate that the point of optimal habitat diversity has already been passed. The trend in vegetational succession towards the forest is proceeding rapidly and agriculture is no longer maintaining the cultural landscape effectively. At the scale of the Municipality we recommend some areas and some practices of sustainable agricultural use which we believe could, at least partly, preserve appropriatehabitats for the considered species. |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Podiplomski študij varstvo naravne dediščine |
Pages: |
XV, 171 f. |
ID: |
1030387 |