diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij
Jure Šuligoj (Author), Primož Oven (Mentor)


Drevesa imajo v zaostrenem mestnem okolju precej omejene možnosti glede rasti in razvoja. Cilj naloge je bil popisati poškodovanost dreves in podati primerne negovalne ukrepe. Analizirani so bili trije drevoredi v mestnem parkuTivoli v Ljubljani na podlagi prirejene metode vizualnega ocenjevanja krošenj in ocene mehanske poškodovanosti dreves. Opisanih je bilo skupno 171 navadnih divjih kostanjev (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) in dve javorolistni platani (Platanus x hispanica Muench.). Po večini so vsa drevesa mehansko poškodovana (zlasti krošnje in debla) in so v slabi kondiciji. Na drevesu je povprečno prisotnih 0.7 poškodb na koreninah, 2.6 na deblu in 3.3 v krošnji 3.3. Poškodbe so posledica predvsem nevestnega in nestrokovnega opravljanja negovalnih del v preteklosti, posipavanja cestišča s soljo v zimskem času in nekaj nenadejanih poškodovanj v neurjih (odlomi vej). Med predlaganimi arborističnimi ukrepi prevladujejo trije: odstranitev večjih vej (26 %), razbremenitev vej in krošenj (20 %) in namestitev varoval v krošnje (12 %). Primerjava s popisom iz leta 2000 je pokazala zmanjšanje potrebe po redni negiv letu 2008 za najmanj 35 % na račun prej omenjenih treh. Dejstvo je, da bi se dalo s sodobnimi arborističnimi ukrepi stanje dreves v drevoredih bistveno izboljšati.


Aesculus hippocastanum;park Tivoli;mehanske poškodbe;arboristika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [J. Šuligoj]
UDC: 630*27:630*4(497.4 Ljubljana)(043.2)=163.6
COBISS: 2421670 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1209
Downloads: 316
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Arboricultural analysis of trees in selected treelined areas in Tivoli park in Ljubljana
Secondary abstract: Trees in urban environment have quite limited options for growth and development. The aim of this thesis was to make an inventory of tree damages and to propose suitable tree care techniques. Three tree lined areas in city park Tivoli in Ljubljana were analysed by adjusted visual assessment method and extent of mechanical wounds on trees estimated. 173 trees were described of which only two were not horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) but London plane trees (Platanus x hispanica Muench.). Most of the trees are mechanically wounded (especially crowns and trunks) and are in bad condition. The average number of woundings per tree is: 0.7 on roots, 2.6 on trunks and 3.3 in crowns. Untrained and unskilled care of the trees in the past can be one of the reasons for bad condition of the trees. The second reason is spreading of de-icing salts on the roadways in winter time. Also unexpected injuries (broken branches) can happen during the stormy weather that can weaken the condition of the trees. The predominating measures among recommended ones are: removing large branches (26 %), branch and crown thinning (20 %), placing ropes in crowns (12 %). Comparison with the inventoryfrom the year 2000 showed decrease of regular tree care in year 2008 for at least 35 % in order to increase these three steps. By application of contemporary arboricultural measures the condition of trees in a tree lined areas could be essentially improved.
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire
Pages: XI, 105 str.+ pril.
ID: 1033459