(diplomsko delo)
Sergej Klemenčič (Author), Vida Gönc (Mentor)


Teoretična izhodišča: Higiena rok je eden izmed najpomembnejših konceptov pri preprečevanju bolnišničnih okužb in bolezni. Osnovna elementa sta umivanje in razkuževanje rok. Vsi zdravstveni in drugi delavci v zdravstvenih ustanovah morajo biti seznanjeni s splošnimi ukrepi za preprečevanje okužb ter te ukrepe upoštevati. Metoda: Uporabili smo kvantitativno raziskovalno metodo in metodo strukturiranega opazovanja. Raziskava je temeljila na nenapovedanem opazovanju. Vprašalnik za opazovanje Higiena rok s poudarkom na razkuževanju rok je bil sestavljen po metodologiji Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije po protokolu pet trenutkov za higieno rok. Raziskavo smo opravili na vzorcu 30 zaposlenih. Rezultati: Analiza podatkov kaže, da zdravsteni delavci v večini upoštevajo standarde za razkuževanje in umivanje rok (razkuževanje, količina razkužila, čas razkuževanja), medtem ko tehniko razkuževanja po standardu upošteva manj kot polovica opazovanih zdravstvenih delavcev (40 %). Razprava: Zdravstveni delavci so pri svojem delu nenehno izpostavljeni okužbam, povezanih z zdravstvom. Medicinske sestre, ki so neposredno vključene v proces zdravstvene nege, vsakodnevno nadzorujejo izvajanje higienskih in izolacijskih ukrepov. Le z doslednostjo pri izvajanju higiene rok je moč zagotoviti varno delo in za pacienta ter obiskovalce varno okolje.


preprečevanje bolnišničnih okužb;razkuževanje rok;razkužila;odnos do razkuževanja rok;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [S. Klemenčič]
UDC: 616.98:614.2(043.2)
COBISS: 2336932 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2025
Downloads: 388
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Hand hygiene in a social welfare institution
Secondary abstract: Theoretical background: Hand hygiene is one of the most important concepts in prevention of hospital-acquired infections and diseases. The basis is washing and disinfection of hands. All medical and allied professionals in health care institutions shall be instructed with general measures of infection prevention, and shall comply with the aforementioned measures. Method: The quantitative research method and the structured observation method were used. The research was based on unannounced observation. The following questionnaire for observation Hand hygiene with emphasis on hand disinfection was drawn up based on the methodology of World Health Organization under the protocol of five moments for hand hygiene. Results: Data analysis shows that health care professionals mostly consider the standards for disinfection and washing of hands (disinfection, the quantity of disinfectant, time of disinfection), while a disinfection technique under standard is followed by less than a half of the observed health care professionals (40 %). Discussion: In their work, health care professionals are frequently exposed to the infections. Nurses, who are directly involved in the process of health care, daily supervise the implement of hygiene and isolation provisions. Only by consistency in implementing the hand hygiene is possible to ensure safe work environment and safe environment for the patients and visitors.
Secondary keywords: prevention of hospital-acquired infections prevention;hand disinfection;disinfectants;attitude towards hand disinfection;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 43 f.
ID: 10834913