magistrsko delo
Saša Zavratnik (Author), Tina Klenovšek (Mentor), Franc Janžekovič (Co-mentor), Boris Kryštufek (Co-mentor)


Glodavci spadajo med najuspešnejše sodobne sesalce. Lobanja sesalcev je kompleksna struktura, primerna za proučevanje postnatalne ontogenije pri malih sesalcih. Deluje kot celota, deli pa so med seboj neenakomerno povezani in razdeljeni v module. Material, uporabljen v študiji, so bile ventralne strani lobanj navadnega polha, Glis glis (Linnaeus, 1766) iz lokalitete Krim, Slovenija, shranjene v Prirodoslovnem muzeju Slovenije. Lobanje smo na podlagi erupcije meljakov razdelili v šest starostnih skupin. Raziskovali smo postnatalno variabilnost v obliki in velikosti ventralne strani lobanje, predvsem z vidika modularne organizacije, morfološke integracije ter alometrije. Do sedaj podobna raziskava še ni bila izvedena. Z metodami geometrijske morfometrije smo primerjali stopnjo modularnosti med juvenilnimi in adultnimi osebki. Hipotetično modularnost smo na osnovi Escoufierjevega RV koeficienta testirali na 224 lobanjah. Hipotezo o modularnosti pri mladih živalih smo zavrnili, pri odraslih osebkih pa so rezultati delno podprli delitev lobanje na obrazni in možganski del. Stopnja integracije med moduloma je večja pri mladih osebkih in se s starostjo zmanjšuje. Lobanja navadnega polha raste alometrično. Čeprav je lahko alometrija močan integracijski faktor, je imela na hipotetično modularnost lobanje navadnega polha majhen vpliv. Sklepamo, da je sprememba v stopnji integracije med obraznim in možganskim delom lobanje v času ontogenije posledica specializacije obeh funkcionalnih modulov ter prehoda s sesanja mleka na mehansko obdelavo trše hrane.


magistrska dela;geometrijska morfometrija;modularnost;alometrija;RV koeficient;ontogenija;lobanja;Glis glis;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [S. Zavratnik]
UDC: 599.322.2:591.152(043.2)
COBISS: 23192328 Link will open in a new window
Views: 879
Downloads: 138
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Ontogenetic perspective of modular organization in the skull of the edible dormouse, Glis glis (Linnaeus, 1766)
Secondary abstract: Rodents are amongst the most successful mammals of the present time. The mammalian skull is a complex structure, suitable for the study of postnatal ontogeny in small mammals. It functions as a whole, but its parts are unevenly integrated and divided into modules. Materials, used for our study, were ventral sides of skulls of the edible dormouse, Glis glis (Linnaeus, 1766), from the locality Krim, Slovenia, which are stored in the Slovenian Museum of Natural History. Based on molar eruption, the skulls were divided into six age groups. We examined the postnatal variability in the shape and size of the ventral side of the skull, in particular, from the perspective of modular organization, morphological integration and allometry. No similar research has been conducted so far. We compared the level of modularity between the adult and juvenile stage with methods of geometric morphometrics. A hypothetic modularity was tested on 224 skulls with the Escoufier RV coefficient. The hypothesis of modularity for a division of the skull on viscerocranium and neurocranium was rejected in young animals and partially confirmed in adult subjects. The level of integration between modules is higher in young subjects and decreases with aging. Although the skull of an edible dormouse grows allometricaly and allometry can be a strong integration factor, it had very little influence on the modular structure of the Glis glis skull. Therefore, we conclude that the change in strength of integration between the viscerocranium and neurocranium in the Glis glis skull during ontogeny is likely to be a result of specialization of the two functional modules and the change in diet from suckling to mechanical processing of hard food.
Secondary keywords: master theses;geometric morphometrics;modularity;allometry;RV coefficient;ontogeny;skull;Glis glis;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: VIII f., 56 str.
ID: 10836361