magistrsko delo
Jasmina Denša (Author), Majda Schmidt (Mentor)


Stres je v razvitem, modernem svetu vedno bolj prisoten. Težko najdeš človeka, ki še nikoli ni bil pod stresom. Problem je, da nekateri posamezniki ne priznajo, da so pod stresom, ga primerno ne zdravijo in posledice so lahko hude. Poklic učitelja spada med najbolj stresne poklice. V zadnjih desetih letih se je šolski sistem bistveno spremenil, zahteva se drugačen način poučevanja, potrebni so individualni pristopi, saj ima vedno več otrok posebne potrebe. Tako imajo učitelji v razredu širok spekter različnih učencev, ki potrebujejo dodatno pomoč in učiteljevo pozornost. Le-to pa lahko učitelju predstavlja dodaten stres. V magistrskem delu predstavljamo rezultate raziskave o stresu pri učiteljih, ki poučujejo otroke z različno vrsto posebnih potreb. K izpolnjevanju anket smo povabili vse šole iz severovzhodne Slovenije, 120 učiteljev je izpolnilo ankete. Osredotočili smo se predvsem na gibalno ovirane otroke, avtistične otroke, otroke s čustveno-vedenjskimi motnjami in otroke z motnjami na posameznih področjih učenja. Za pridobivanje rezultatov smo uporabili originalno verzijo vprašalnika Inclusive Education Teacher Stress and Coping Questionnaire avtoric Lorraine Frost in Darlene Brackenreed (2011), ki smo ga glede na naše razmere prilagodili in prevedli v slovenski jezik. Vprašalnik je sestavljen iz 3 sklopov: prvi sklop zajema splošne karakteristike anketiranih učiteljev, v drugem sklopu so trditve, ki se navezujejo na stresorje, povezane z inkluzivnim izobraževanjem. Ta sklop je razdeljen na 7 podrobnejših podpoglavij: obremenjenost učiteljev z administrativnim delom, podpora/pomoč, ki so je učitelji deležni pri delu, vedenje otrok s posebnimi potrebami, delo v razredu, sodelovanje s starši, učiteljeva profesionalna usposobljenost in osebna stališča učiteljev. Zadnji, tretji sklop, pa zajema strategije, ki jih učitelji uporabljajo pri soočanju s stresom. Rezultati so pokazali, da učiteljem največ stresa predstavljajo naslednji dejavniki: odgovornost za otrokove šolske rezultate in uspeh", "težave pri posvečanju pozornosti ostalim otrokom v razredu zaradi otroka s PP" in "v času študija sem bil/-a deležen/-a premalo izobraževanja o poučevanju otrok s PP v inkluzivnem razredu". Za soočenje s stresom pa najpogosteje uporabljajo naslednje strategije: "črpam iz preteklih izkušenj", "na stvari gledam optimistično", "poiščem strokovno pomoč za otroka", "pomoč poiščem pri učiteljih, ki so otroka že poučevali" in "poskušam obdržati smisel za humor".


magistrska dela;inkluzija;otroci s posebnimi potrebami;učitelji;poklicni stres;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [J. Denša]
UDC: 37.011.3-051:159.944.4:376(043.2)
COBISS: 71702019 Link will open in a new window
Views: 461
Downloads: 66
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Tacherʼs stress who teach pupils with different types of special needs in elementary school
Secondary abstract: In the developed, modern world, stress is getting more and more common. It is difficult to find a person, who has never been under stress before. The problem is that some individuals do not admit to it and do not get an appropriate treatment; therefore the consequences can be rather severe. Teaching is considered as one of the most stressful professions. In the last decade, the school system has gone through some major changes, including the demand for different teaching methods and individual approaches, because there are more and more children with special needs. Therefore the teachers have a wide range of different learners, who need additional professional help and teacher's attention. All this can cause an additional stress for the teacher. In the master's thesis, we present the results of the research about the stress of teachers, who are teaching the children with different types of special needs. All schools in north-eastern Slovenia were invited to participate in the survey, which was then filled out by 120 teachers. We have focused especially on the physically disabled children, children with autistic disabilities, children with emotional and behavioural disorders and children with disabilities in specific areas of learning. The original version of questionnaire Inclusive Education Teacher Stress and Coping Questionnaire from the authors Lorraine Frost and Darlene Brackenreed (2011) was used for collecting the results, however, it was translated to Slovene language and adapted to our conditions. The questionnaire consists of 3 clusters: the first one includes general characteristics of the surveyed teachers, the second one consists of statements about stressors, related to inclusive education. The latter is divided into 7 detailed subsections: teacher's workload with administrative tasks, support/help that the teachers get at a workplace, behaviour of children with special needs, classroom issues, cooperation with parents, teacher's professional competency and teacher's personal competency. The third cluster consists of stress coping strategies that are used by teachers. The results have shown that the most teacher stress is caused by the following statements: "responsibility for the child's school results and success","difficulties in paying attention to other children in the classroom because of a child with special needs" and "insufficient college education about children with special needs in inclusive classroom". The following strategies are most common for coping with stress: "draw on past experiences", "being optimistic", "seek professional help for the child", "seek help from teachers, who have already taught this child", and "try to maintain a sense of humour".
Secondary keywords: master theses;inclusion;children with special needs;teachers;occupational stress;Delovni stres;Osnovnošolski učitelji;Inkluzivna vzgoja in izobraževanje;Otroci s posebnimi potrebami;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Pages: 143 f.
ID: 10837222