magistrsko delo
Anja Hujdec (Author), Martina Rajšp (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo z naslovom Eksperimentalno delo pri pouku naravoslovja in tehnike v petem razredu osnovne šole sestavljajo tri zaključene celote, ki se med seboj dopolnjujejo - teoretična, empirična in praktična. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge podrobneje predstavljamo aktivno učenje (s poudarkom na izkustvenem učenju), naravoslovje (osnovnošolsko naravoslovje s poudarkom na eksperimentalnem delu) in učni predmet naravoslovje in tehnika. V empiričnem delu s pomočjo intervjuvanih učiteljev praktikov ugotavljamo, da se učitelji zavedajo pomena eksperimentalnega dela ter se ga zato pri svojem rednem delu pogosto poslužujejo. Kot vir eksperimentov najpogosteje uporabljajo učbenik in delovni zvezek (večina jih v tem šolskem letu uporablja učbeniški komplet Radovednih 5, Založba Rokus Klett), prepričani pa so, da je izkustveno učenje pomembno za učence, ker jim omogoča lažjo zapomnitev učnih snovi in trajnejše znanje. V praktičnem delu magistrske naloge je podrobno predstavljeno načrtovanje, izpeljava in evalvacija učne ure Balon pri pouku naravoslovja in tehnike v petem razredu osnovne šole, po sodobnih eksperimentalnih načelih. Temu delu je dodan zbir nalog za eksperimentalno delo. Vsak eksperiment je podrobno opisan (potrebni pripomočki, postopek dela, predviden rezultat ter naravoslovno ozadje eksperimenta), izveden in za boljšo predstavo tudi fotografiran.


magistrska dela;izkustveno učenje;naravoslovje;naravoslovje in tehnika;peti razred;eksperimentalno delo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Hujdec]
UDC: 373.3.091.3:5(043.2)
COBISS: 23265544 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1164
Downloads: 197
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Experimental work in natural science and technology classes in the 5th grade of primary school
Secondary abstract: The present Master's Thesis, titled Experimental Work in Natural Science and Technology Classes in the 5th Grade of Primary School is comprised of three separate yet complementary parts; the theoretical, empirical and practical. The theoretical part introduces a detailed presentation of active learning (with an emphasis on experiential learning), natural science (primary school natural science with an emphasis on experimental work), and the Natural Science and Technology school subject With the help of the interviewed teachers, the empirical part of this work has found that teachers are aware of the importance of experimental work, and therefore often incorporate it in their everyday work. The most frequently used sources for experiments among them are the textbook and workbook (in the current school year, the majority uses the Radovednih 5 workbook-textbook set from Rokus Klett Publishing). Teachers are convinced that experiential learning is very important for the students, as it enables them to retain the subject matter as well as a more lasting knowledge. The empirical part of the Master's Thesis contains a detailed description of the planning, performing and evaluation of the Balon (en. Balloon) lesson, which was carried out in the Natural Science and Technology class in the 5th grade of Primary School in accordance with contemporary principles for experimental work. An attachment was added to this part, containing a compilation of exercises for experimental work. Each experiment is described in great detail (the necessary tools, the procedure, the estimated outcome, and the background of the experiment in natural sciences), as well as performed and photographed for a more thorough demonstration.
Secondary keywords: master theses;experimential learning;natural sciences;natural science and technology;5th grade of primary school;experimental work;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 106 f.
ID: 10837631