diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Dominika Lovrenčec (Author), Majda Krajnc (Mentor), Anita Kovač Kralj (Co-mentor)


V vsakdanjiku se srečujemo z najnovejšo tehnologijo, ki nam olajšuje sprejemanje različnih informacij. V diplomskem delu je predstavljeno pametno pisalo, uporaba le tega in različni primeri njegove uporabe v kemiji in kemijski tehniki. Pametno pisalo deluje le s pomočjo papirja, na katerem se nahaja unikatni vzorec mikro točk, katerega pametno pisalo s pomočjo infrardeče kamere posname in ga pretvori v elektronsko obliko. Tako nam pametno pisalo omogoča hkratno združevanje besedila in zvoka, s pomočjo vgrajene infrardeče kamere in mikrofona. Študentje vsakodnevno prejemajo najrazličnejše nove in pomembne informacije pri različnih predmetih. Ker je teh informacij velikokrat preveč, je cilj naše diplosme naloge predstaviti uporabo pametnega pisala, prikaz kreiranja različnih problemov, ki njim bodo v pomoč pri usvajanju nove, nerazumljive snovi. S pametnim pisalom smo pri predmetih Kemijsko računanje, Procesne bilance in Kemijsko računanje II kreirali in predstavili različne probleme, ki so jim v pomoč pri učenju. Predstavljene probleme smo v PDF obliki shranili na internetno stran https://estudij.um.si, kjer so študenti imeli nenehni dostop do le teh. Ob končanem 2. semestru v študijskem letu 2015/2016 smo izvedli anketo med študenti, ki so predstavljene probleme uporabljali pri učenju in usvajanju nove snovi.


pametna pisala;reševanje problemov;elektronski način učenja;kemija;kemijska tehnika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [D. Lovrenčec]
UDC: 66:004.087(043.2)
COBISS: 20692246 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1059
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Solving problems with the smartpen in chemisty and chemical engineering
Secondary abstract: In everyday life, we run into the most modern technology, which helps us receive different information. In the diploma thesis, we focused on presenting the smartpen, its use, especially how we can use it in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering. The smartpen works with the help of paper, which contains a unique pattern of micro dots, which is being recorded and then transformed into digital form by the infrared camera that is in the smartpen. Smartpen therefore helps us combine text and sound with the help of its infrared camera and microphone. Students get different new and important information on daily basis in all student courses. Because sometimes there can be a lot of information involved, the goal of this thesis is to present the use of the smartpen, presentation of creating different problems that will be very helpful in understanding different topics. In our courses Chemical arithmetic, Process balance and Chemical arithmetic 2 we created and presented different problems that can be very helpful during studying. We saved our problems into a PDF file to the https://estudij.um.si website, where students could access them whenever they wanted. At the end of the second semester, we carried out a survey among students, who used those problems during their learning process.
Secondary keywords: smartpen;solving problems;electronic manner of learning;chemistry;chemical technics;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: VII, 38 str.
ID: 10838281
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