diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Informacijska varnost
Milan Jovanović (Author), Blaž Markelj (Mentor), Marko Potokar (Co-mentor)


Sistem pristopne kontrole se uporablja za identifikacijo oseb tudi pri vstopanju v podjetje. Da bi zagotovili varen in učinkovit sistem identifikacije, smo ugotavljali prednosti in slabosti sistema ter možnost kombiniranja različnih metod identifikacije za večjo varnost podjetja. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge smo se osredotočili na tehnično varovanje kot pripomoček fizičnemu varovanju ter v nadaljevanju odkrivali korelacijo obeh sistemov varovanja oziroma medsebojno vplivanje na ustreznost varovanja vhoda v podjetje. Izziv je bil omogočiti nemoteno delovanje sistema pristopne kontrole brez vpliva ali posredovanja varnostnega osebja pri kontroli vstopajočih oseb. Za lažje raziskovanje smo najprej spoznali, kateri so elementi varnostnega sistema, da bi vedeli, kaj varujemo, pred kom varujemo in s čim ter kako varujemo. Raziskavo smo usmerili v iskanje kombinacije tehničnih sredstev sistema pristopne kontrole za vzpostavitev varnega vstopanja zaposlenih. Potreba po kombiniranju varnostnih mehanizmov se je pokazala po izvedeni kategorizaciji vstopajočih oseb in oceni tveganja za podjetje. Pri izbiri tehničnih sredstev za kontrolo oseb na vstopu v podjetje nam je pomagala tudi izvedena anketa, s katero smo potrdili nekatere domneve o uporabi biometričnih ali drugih bolj konvencionalnih metod identifikacije.


zasebno varovanje;tehnično varovanje;pristopne kontrole;varnostni sistemi;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: M. Jovanović]
UDC: 005.934(043.2)
COBISS: 3384042 Link will open in a new window
Views: 888
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Ensuring security with access control at the entrance of the company
Secondary abstract: Access control system can be used for person identification on the entrance of the company. To insure secure and effective identification system we had to search what are advantages and disadvantages of the system and to increase security of the company we had to combine some different methods of identification. In theoretical part of our work, we focused on technical security as additional accessory to physical security due to discovering of some correlations of either security system or mutual impact on adequacy of security system at the entrance of the company. Challenge was how to enable uninterrupted functioning of access control system and how to reduce actions and impact of security personnel on the access control system when checking entering people. For better understanding what we are protecting, what are the threats and how we are protecting and what equipment we are using for protection we had to research what the elements of security system are. Research was pointed in searching of the best combination of technical equipment for access control system to insure secure entering of employees. The need for combining security mechanisms was revealed after we implemented categorization of entering people and risk assessment of the company. When choosing technical equipment for person control at the entrance of the company we used survey to help us confirm presumptions of biometrical and some other more conventional methods of identification.
Secondary keywords: Security;access control;company;entering person;risk.;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede
Pages: 46 str.
ID: 10839548
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