diplomski projekt
Denis Fras (Author), Andreja Primec (Mentor)


Živimo v času, ko je zlorabljanje osebnih podatkov zelo pogosto, meja med zasebnostjo in javnostjo pa postaja vedno tanjša, zato postaja spoštovanje in upoštevanje temeljnih človekovih pravic vedno bolj pomembno. To morajo upoštevati tudi računovodski servisi pri svojem opravljanju dela, kajti večja varnost osebnih podatkov in informacij zmanjša tveganje poslovanja, kar pa posledično pomeni večje zaupanje strank v njihovo delo, manjšo možnost vdora v bazo podatkov ter manjšo možnost, da bi prišlo do neodobrenega razkritja ali izgube podatkov. Da ne bi kršili pravice osebnih podatkov si pri vsakodnevnih opravilih pomagajo z zakonodajo, predvsem z Zakonom o varovanju osebnih podatkov in varnostno politiko, katero ima vsako podjetje prilagojeno svojim specifičnim lastnostim. Varovanje osebnih podatkov pri izvajanju računovodske dejavnosti pomeni, da računovodski servis prepreči vse možnosti, da bi prišlo do sprememb, ponarejanj, razkritij, nezakonite uporabe, uničenja in kakršne koli druge spremembe osebnih podatkov in informacij. V diplomskem delu smo presojali varnost osebnih podatkov pri izvajanju računovodske dejavnosti, ki jo lahko podjetje zagotavlja z različnimi mehanizmi. Poleg dobro zastavljenih mehanizmov, največkrat imajo podjetja izoblikovano varnostno politiko, pa je zelo pomembna tudi njena implementacija in njeno spremljanje učinkovitosti in posodabljanje, saj se skozi leta informacijska tehnologija nenadno spreminja.


računovodski servisi;elektronsko poslovanje;osebni podatki;varstvo osebnih podatkov;zakonodaja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [D. Fras]
UDC: 657:004.056.5
COBISS: 12905756 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1328
Downloads: 413
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Protection of personal data in the implementation of accounting activities
Secondary abstract: We are living in times where the misuse of personal data is fairly common and the line between private and public is becoming thinner than ever; thus the respect and consideration of basic human rights is getting more and more important. Accounting services have to take this into account when carrying out their work, since greater personal data and information security reduces the business’s risk and, therefore, increases client’s trust in their work, lessens the possibility of the intrusion into data bases and the chance of an unauthorized disclosure or loss of data. In order not to violate the rights of the personal data, Personal Data Protection Act is of a great help and importance along with security policy, which is adjusted in accordance with company’s specific features. Protection of the personal data in the implementation of accounting activities means that accounting service prevents every possibility of changes, forgery, disclosure, illegal use, destruction or any kind of change of personal data and information. In the thesis we were judging the security of personal data assured by the company with various mechanisms while carrying out the accounting activities. In addition to a good set of mechanisms, most companies have formed a security policy and it is of great importance to implement and monitor its effectiveness and modernization because over the years information technology suddenly changes.
Secondary keywords: Personal data;protection of personal data;accounting services;e-accounting;Personal Data Protection Act;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 32 f.
ID: 10840420