diplomski projekt
Ines Agić (Author), Katja Crnogaj (Mentor)


V diplomskem projektu smo predstavili oziroma proučili dejavnike uspešnega prenosa nasledstva družinskega podjetja in na podlagi opravljene ankete z lastnico proučevanega družinskega podjetja ugotovili, kakšni so njihovi nameni in pogledi na prenos podjetja iz prve generacije na drugo ter kateri so dejavniki uspešnega prenosa. V prvem delu diplomskega projekta so opredeljeni pojmi podjetništvo, oblike podjetništva, družinsko podjetje in njegove značilnosti, njegove prednosti in slabosti, opredeljeno je nasledstvo, nasledstvene možnosti in planiranje nasledstva na strateški ravni. V drugem delu sledi predstavitev izbranega družinskega podjetja, predstavitev družine, predstavljene so možnosti nasledstva v proučevanem družinskem podjetju in dejavniki uspešnega prenosa nasledstva. V aplikativnem delu diplomskega projekta smo na primeru anketnega vprašalnika ugotovili, da lastnica izbranega družinskega podjetja aktivno še ne razmišlja o nasledstvu družinskega podjetja, čeprav verjame, da se bo podjetje ohranilo v lasti družine in da sta možna naslednika sin/hči. Veliko podjetij propade oz. ne nadaljuje s poslovanjem ravno takrat, ko je podjetje v fazi prehajanja iz prve generacije na drugo. Do težav velikokrat pride zaradi odnosov med družinskimi člani. Prva generacija ima drugačne poglede na podjetje kot generacija, ki podjetje prevzema. Želijo si sprememb, drugačnosti. Ravno zaradi tega pogosto prihaja do sporov med člani, ker ni skupnega interesa in dogovora, posledično pa podjetje propade ali ne posluje uspešno. Ugotovili smo, da je za lastnico izbranega družinskega podjetja zelo pomemben dejavnik za uspešen prenos podjetja ocena sposobnosti potencialnih družinskih naslednikov podjetja, saj meni, da naslednik mora biti motiviran, sposoben, inovativen, predvsem pa mora verjeti vase in imeti željo za delo. Prav tako meni, da je zelo pomemben dejavnik tudi zagotovitev kontinuitete v poslovanju.


podjetništvo;družinsko podjetje;nasledstvo;možnosti;prenos lastništva;dejavniki;strateško planiranje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [I. Agić]
UDC: 334.722.24
COBISS: 12789020 Link will open in a new window
Views: 885
Downloads: 190
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂfactors of successful transfer a family business to the next generation
Secondary abstract: In this diploma thesis we introduced and studied the factors of successful succession transfer within a family business. For this purpose we conducted a survey and talked to the owner of the studied family business to find out her intentions in this matter and her opinion on transition from first to second generation ownership. From the survey we also learnt which are the most important factors for ensuring a successful succession transfer in the owner’s opinion. In the first part of this diploma project we explained the terms entrepreneurship, business forms, family business and its characteristics, the pros and cons of family business, succession, succession options and succession planing at a strategic level. In the second part of this thesis we introduced the chosen family business, the family that runs the business and the possibilities of succession within the studied family business. Last but not least, we also focused on the factors that enable a successful passing down of business to the next generation. In the practical part of this project we applied a survey to determine that the owner of the chosen family business is not thinking about passing down the family business to her heirs yet, even though she believes that the company will remain in her family and that her potential successors are her son and daughter. A lot of companies go bankrupt or stop doing business during the transition phase, when the business is being passed down from the first to the second generation. The major problem in this process stems from the relationship between the family members. The first generation usually has different views and ideas for the company than the second generation that is taking over the business and craves for changes and differentness. These are the most common reasons for disputes among family members when it comes to changing owners and taking over the family business; they have no common interests and cannot come to a mutual understanding, which generally results in shutting down the company or continue doing business, but with less success. We determined that the owner of the chosen family business considers the skill assessment of the family members to be one of the most important factors for successful business transfer. She believes that a successor should be motivated, capable, innovative and most of all self-confident and willing to work. Besides, she also thinks that ensuring a continuity of business operations is crucial in this matter.
Secondary keywords: Entrepreneurship;family business;succession;succession options;succession transfer factors;succession planning at a strategic level.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 36 str., 6 str. pril.
ID: 10840763