pregled literature
Barbara Sotlar (Author), Renata Vettorazzi (Reviewer), Martina Bizjak (Mentor)


Uvod: Astma je bolezen, za katero je značilno kronično vnetje dihalnih poti in posledično povečana odzivnost dihalnih poti na različne dražljaje. Zaradi vnetja so dihalne poti zožene. Sprememba življenjskega sloga je pri obvladovanju astme nujna. Zaradi porasta bolezni postajajo klasični terapevtski modeli vse manj pomembni, v ospredje vstopata preventiva in zdravstvena vzgoja. Vanjo morajo biti vključeni otroci, mladostniki in njihovi starši. Na področju zdravstvene vzgoje ima medicinska sestra pomembno vlogo. Pomembno pa je tudi kontinuirano izvajanje zdravstvene vzgoje in preverjanje znanja ter njenega učinka na vodenje bolezni, kar posledično vpliva na kakovost življenja. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti in opisati astmo ter s pregledom strokovnih člankov podrobneje raziskati in predstaviti vpliv astme na kakovost življenja pri otroku. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela, ki vključuje domačo in tujo literaturo, objavljeno med letoma 2003 in 2016, s poudarkom na zadnjih petih letih. Pregled literature s področja astme pri otroku in o kakovosti življenja otroka z astmo je bil opravljen v obdobju od junija do decembra 2016. Razprava in sklep: Pri analizi in kritičnem branju strokovnih člankov smo ugotovili, da so dejavniki, ki povzročajo astmo, med seboj močno povezani in odvisni drug od drugega, zato je vzroke za nastanek astme težko določiti. Glavni problem je pozno diagnosticiranje bolezni, ko so pri otroku izraženi že vsi znaki. To pa posledično vodi v pozno zdravljenje in slabšo kakovost življenja otroka. Zdravstvena vzgoja otrok z astmo in njihovih staršev je ključnega pomena za uspešno preprečevanje poslabšanja astme, saj izboljšuje zdravstveno stanje otroka in posledično zmanjšuje število obiskov pri zdravniku ter izboljša kakovost življenja.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;otroci;astma;dejavniki tveganja;kakovost življenja;zdravstvena vzgoja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [B. Sotlar]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 5262955 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1552
Downloads: 549
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂquality of life of children with asthma
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Asthma is a disease characterized by a chronic inflammation of the airways and consequently a heightened responsiveness to different stimuli. The airways are narrow due to the inflammation. It is essential to change one's lifestyle when managing asthma. The classic therapeutic models are becoming less important because of the increase of the disease; prevention and health education are making it to the forefront. Children, adolescents and their parents need to be included. A nurse has a significant role in health education. The continuous execution of the health education and knowledge testing as well as its effect on managing the disease is very important, which consequently influences the quality of life. Goal: The goal of the dissertation is to present and describe asthma. To research it in detail and to show the effect of asthma on the quality of a child's life by reading the technical articles. Methods: Descriptive method is used in the dissertation, which includes domestic and foreign literature published between 2003 and 2006, focusing on the last five years in the field of children's asthma and the life quality of a child who has asthma. The literature overview was done in the period between June and December 2016. Discussion and conclusion: During the analysis and the critical reading of the technical articles, we discovered that the factors that cause asthma are strongly connected and dependent on each other; that is why, the causes for the emergence of asthma are difficult to determine. The main issue is a late diagnosis of the disease when all signs are evident in a child. This consequently leads to a late treatment and a worse quality of a child's life. Health education for children with asthma and their parents is crucial for a successful prevention of asthma getting worse; it betters the health state of a child, it consequently reduces the number of doctor's visits, and it improves their quality of life.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;children;asthma;risk factors;quality of life;health education;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Dipl. delo (bolonjski študij), Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 24 str.
ID: 10840825
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