magistrsko delo
Pomen kakovosti procesa pridobiva vse večji pomen. Zato je ključnega pomena, da se tega podjetja zavedajo in so seznanjena z metodami in orodji zagotavljanja kakovosti, s čimer lahko dosežemo višjo raven kakovosti procesa in posledično končnega produkta procesa. V ta namen so v nalogi predstavljene bistvene in najbolj razširjene metode in orodja zagotavljanja kakovosti, s pomočjo oziroma z uporabo katerih uspešno zagotavljamo želeno kakovost končnega produkta za odjemalca. Na realnem primeru predstavljen proces razvoja izdelave in same vpeljave v serijsko proizvodnjo pa prikazuje potrebne korake za odobritev prvih vzorcev ali menjavo orodja na stroju za brizganje plastične mase. Predstavljeni so vsi potrebni koraki tretje stopnje metode PPAP, ki jih je naročnik zahteval.
kakovost;metode in orodja za zagotavljanje kakovosti;stroški kakovosti;nadzor procesa;odobritev prvih vzorcev;magistrska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2017 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Publisher: |
[J. Lorenc] |
UDC: |
005.6:658.513(043.2) |
Views: |
1117 |
Downloads: |
166 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Using quality assurance methods in the manufacturing process control of the headlights cooling rotor |
Secondary abstract: |
The importance of the quality of the process has become very important. It is therefore crucial that the companies are aware of and are familiar with the methods and tools of quality assurance, thus achieving a higher level of quality of the process and, consequently, the final product of the process. To this end, the thesis presents the essential and most widespread methods and tools of quality assurance, through use of which one can successfully provide the desired quality of the final product to the client. In the analysed case the process of developing and producing a single introduction into serial production is presented and the necessary steps for the approval of the first samples and tool changes on the machine for injection moulding of plastics are shown. Featured in this master thesis are all necessary steps of the PPAP third degree method that was demanded by the client. |
Secondary keywords: |
quality;methods and tools of quality assurance;the cost of quality;process control;approval of the first samples; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo |
Pages: |
XII, 79 str. |
ID: |
10840889 |