diplomsko delo


Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti prijavo, preizkus in uveljavitev terjatev, zavarovanih s hipoteko, v stečajnem postopku. Stvarnopravna zavarovanja terjatev omogočajo upnikom tako zavarovanih terjatev ugodnejši položaj pred drugimi upniki, ki imajo svoje terjatve sicer zavarovane, vendar s slabšim vrstnim redom, ali pa svojih terjatev niso zavarovali, kar je pomembno zlasti v primeru dolžnikove insolventnosti. Skozi diplomsko delo je razložen pomen insolventnosti, stečajnega postopka, stvarnopravne podlage za nastanek ločitvene in izločitvene pravice, ter pomen dvostransko neizpolnjenih pogodb in izpodbojnih pravnih dejanj stečajnega dolžnika. Zakon o finančnem poslovanju, postopkih insolventnosti in prisilnem prenehanju (v nadaljevanju ZFPPIPP) ureja oziroma določa pravila stečajnega postopka, prijavo zavarovane terjatve in ločitvene pravice, preizkus ločitvene pravice in poplačilo ločitvenih upnikov iz posebne stečajne mase. Začetek stečajnega postopka ne vpliva na ločitveno pravico in terjatev zavarovano s to ločitveno pravico. Ločitvena pravica je pravica upnika do plačila njegove terjatve iz določenega premoženja stečajnega dolžnika pred plačilom terjatev drugih upnikov tega dolžnika iz tega premoženja. Premoženje obremenjeno s hipotekami predstavlja posebno stečajno maso, iz katere se ob prodaji oblikuje posebna razdelitvena masa. Pri razdelitvi posamezne posebne razdelitvene mase se upošteva terjatev, zavarovana z ločitveno pravico na premoženju, ki spada v to posebno razdelitveno maso, če sta bili terjatev in ločitvena pravica v stečajnem postopku pravočasno prijavljeni. Posebna pravila za prijavo in preizkus terjatve zavarovane s hipoteko določajo, da za prijavljene štejejo tiste terjatve zavarovane s hipoteko (ločitveno pravico), ki so ob začetku stečajnega postopka v zemljiški knjigi vpisane pri nepremičnini v lasti stečajnega dolžnika.


hipoteka;ločitvena pravica;izločitvena pravica;insolventnost;stečajni postopek;prijava terjatve;stečajna masa;posebna razdelitvena masa;zastavna pravica;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [M. Natlačen Ivanković]
UDC: 347.27(043.2)
COBISS: 5433643 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1334
Downloads: 198
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Lodging, testing and enforcing claims secured by mortgage in bankruptcy proceedings
Secondary abstract: The objective of this thesis is to present how claims secured by mortgages are lodged, tested and enforced in bankruptcy proceedings. Property-based claims offer the creditors of claims secured in such a way a preferential position over other creditors who have secured their claims but hold an inferior rank or have not secured their claims at all, which is particularly important in case the debtor becomes insolvent. This thesis aims to explain the insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings, property law serving as grounds for the right to separate settlement and the right of exclusion, as well as bilateral executory contracts and contestable legal actions of the debtor in bankruptcy. The Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act (hereinafter: the ZFPPIPP) regulates or sets the rules for the bankruptcy procedure, lodging secured claims and the right to separate settlement, testing the right to separate settlement and settlement of creditors with the right to separate settlement from the special bankruptcy estate. The initiation of bankruptcy proceedings does not affect the right to separate settlement and the claim secured by such right to separate settlement. The right to separate settlement is the creditor’s right to recover its claims from relevant assets owned by the insolvent debtor before the claims of its other creditors are repaid from such assets. Property encumbered with mortgages represents the so-called special bankruptcy estate which is at the time of sale referred to as special bankruptcy estate for distribution. In distributing a special estate for distribution, a claim is considered secured by the right to separate settlement pertaining to the assets belonging to this particular special estate for distribution if the claim and the right to separate settlement were lodged in due time in the bankruptcy proceedings. Special rules for lodging and testing the claims secured by mortgages provide that only those claims secured by mortgages (the right to separate settlement) are considered lodged if they were entered in the land register at the beginning of the bankruptcy proceedings next to the real estate owned by the debtor in bankruptcy.
Secondary keywords: mortgage;right to a separate settlement;right of exclusion;insolvency;bankruptcy proceeding;lodge a claim;bankruptcy estate;special estate for distribution;lien;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 67 f.
ID: 10842599