(magistrsko diplomsko delo)
Alenka Benčina (Author), Gregor Dugar (Mentor)


Pogodba o franchisingu zakonsko ni urejena in sodi med moderne tipe pogodb avtonomnega gospodarskega prava, izoblikovane zaradi potreb prakse gospodarskih subjektov. Interesna združenja s področja franchisinga so uspešno prevzela siceršnje naloge zakonodajalca in s svojimi kodeksi uredila nekatere vidike pogodbe o franchisingu. S pogodbo o franchisingu stranki ustvarita tesen in trajen odnos poslovnega sodelovanja, namenjenega nudenju blaga ali storitev na trgu. Pridobitelj franchisinga postane del mreže, ki jo tvori z vsemi ostalimi pridobitelji, s katerimi je dajalec franchisinga pogodbo že sklenil ali pa jo še bo. Posebnost mreže in nasploh franchisinga je, da vsi pridobitelji na trgu nastopajo pod skupnimi razlikovalnimi znaki, z enakim blagom ali storitvami, z uporabo skupnega znanja in izkušenj ter skupnim dobrim imenom. Za celovito razumevanje dela opisujem razvoj franchisinga in podajam nekatere njegove definicije. Nadalje opredeljujem bistvene elemente pogodbe o franchisingu in problemsko obravnavam izbrane teme. Med te sem uvrstila pošteno razkrivanje informacij pred sklenitvijo pogodbe o franchisingu, ki je, zaradi izjemnega pomena za varstvo pridobitelja kot šibkejše pogodbene stranke, natančno pravno urejeno. Prav tako problemsko preučujem pravno naravo in ugotavljam, da je ta sui generis s posameznimi elementi sorodnih pogodb gospodarskega prava, ter razmišljam o morebitni odgovornosti dajalca franchisinga za ravnanja pridobitelja, pri čemer ugotavljam, da ta obstoji zgolj izjemoma.


franšizing;pogodba o franšizingu;dajalec franšizinga;pridobitelj franšizinga;inominatni kontrakti;avtonomno gospodarsko pravo;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [A. Benčina]
UDC: 339.187.44(043.2)
COBISS: 15669841 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1387
Downloads: 517
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Franchise Agreement
Secondary abstract: The Franchise Agreement is legally unregulated and categorized as a modern-type contract of autonomous business law, designed as a result of business practice needs. Franchise associations have successfully took over the legislator’s tasks and have, with their codes of conduct, regulated certain aspects of the Franchise Agreement. With the Franchise Agreement the close and lasting relationship of business cooperation is created with a purpose to supply the market with goods or services. The franchisee becomes a part of franchise network, composed of all the franchisees, which have already entered into the Franchise Agreement with the franchisor or will enter into in the future. The peculiarity of the franchise network and the franchising in general is that the franchisees are conducting the business under the joint distinctive features, with the same goods or services, based on the use of common knowledge, experiences and goodwill. To ensure a comprehensive understanding of the subject in matter, a development and few definitons of franchising are provided. The essential elements of Franchise Agreement are explained and selected topics are discussed. One of the latter is a delivery of a disclosure document in the pre contractual phase, which is legally regulated as it is of a significant value to the franchisee, being the weaker contractual party. Also, the sui generis legal nature of the agreement is discussed and certain elements of similar contracts are found. The liability of the franchisor for the acts of franchisee is explained as well, noting it rarely exists.
Secondary keywords: franchising;franchise agreement;Franchisor;Franchisee;Unregulated Contract;Autonomous Business Law;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 53 f.
ID: 10842983
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