delo diplomskega projekta
Pia Zavec (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Hiter razvoj informacijske tehnologije zelo pomembno vpliva na podjetja, saj se morajo nenehno prilagajati novim spremembam iz okolja, če želijo ostati uspešna in konkurenčna. Za učinkovito prilagajanje morajo obstoječe informacijske rešitve zamenjati s sodobnejšimi, funkcionalnejšimi rešitvami. Uvedba ERP rešitev je nujen korak in pripomore k pridobitvi konkurenčne prednosti, pozitivno vpliva na poslovanje, čeprav povzroči visoke stroške. V delu diplomskega projekta spoznamo izvedbo osnovnih poslovnih procesov (nabava, proizvodnja, prodaja) z uporabo ERP rešitve MS Dynamics NAV 2016. V teoretičnem delu opišemo opredelitve poslovnih procesov, postopek modeliranja in prenove poslovnih procesov ter osnovne poslovne procese, opredelitev ERP rešitev in njihove ključne značilnosti, arhitekturo, postopek uvedbe, trende in predstavnike na področju ERP rešitev. V praktičnem delu sledi predstavitev rešitve MS Dynamics NAV 2016, kjer smo vključili osnovne opredelitve o rešitvah MS Dynamics NAV, njihovo arhitekturo in metodologijo uvedbe Sure Step. Osrednji del diplomskega projekta predstavlja podrobno opisana in izpeljana izvedba nabavnega, proizvodnega in prodajnega poslovnega procesa skozi rešitev MS Dynamics NAV 2016.


poslovni proces;modeliranje procesov;prenova procesov;ERP;nabava;proizvodnja;prodaja;programske rešitve;programi;informacijska tehnologija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [P. Zavec]
UDC: 004.4:658
COBISS: 12886300 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1224
Downloads: 163
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Business processes in solution Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016
Secondary abstract: The rapid development of information technology is very significant impact on the company, because they have constantly adapt to new changes in the environment, if they want to remain successful and competitive. For effective adaption, need to replace existing IT solutions with more modern, more functional solutions. The implementation of ERP solution is a necessary step and contributes to obtaining competitive advantages, have a positive impact on the business, although the cause of high costs. This thesis explains the execution of core business processes (purchasing, production, sales) using MS Dynamics NAV 2016. In the theoretical part, we describe the definition of business processes, process modeling, business process reengineering, core business processes, definition of ERP solutions, their key features, architecture, implementation method, trends and representatives in the field of ERP solutions. In the practical part followed by a presentation of MS Dynamics NAV 2016 where we include definitions of MS Dynamics NAV, their architecture and the introduction of the Sure Step methodology. The main part of the is a detailed and carried out execution of purchasing, production and sales business process through MS Dynamics NAV 2016.
Secondary keywords: Business process;business process modeling;business process reengineering;ERP solution;Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016;purchasing;production;sales business process.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 72 str.
ID: 10843263