diplomsko delo
Lili Kovačič (Author), Stojan Grgič (Mentor)


Cilj podjetja je čim bolje in čim hitreje zadovoljiti želje kupcev ter pri tem ustvarjati kar največji dobiček. Pomembno je, da se pri vsakem procesu v sistemu, ne le v proizvodnji temveč tudi na drugih področjih, skuša delati z najmanjšimi stroški in z največjo učinkovitostjo ter to nenehno vzdrževati, kar pomeni, da je treba ves čas stanje opazovati in ga po potrebi spreminjati oziroma optimizirati. To je bilo v zadnjem času zanemarjeno in prav zato je namen diplomske naloge preučiti sedanje stanje oskrbovanja proizvodnje z materiali in urediti logistiko v podjetju tako, da bo oskrbovalna veriga čim bolj optimizirana. Za optimizacijo smo izbrali enega najpomembnejših sestavnih delov svetilke. Oskrbovalna veriga teh je dokaj kompleksna in naš cilj je, z ureditvijo logistike, zmanjšati stroške ter pridobiti čas. Predstavljena bo celotna oskrbovalna veriga izbranih polizdelkov, od kooperanta do proizvodnje ter na koncu podane štiri možne rešitve za izboljšanje obstoječega stanja. S predlaganimi rešitvami bo zmanjšan proizvodni čas, stroški kooperacije bodo manjši ter komunikacija s kooperantom poenostavljena. Namesto oddajanja del v kooperacijo bo predstavljena tudi možnost uvedbe lastnega izvajanja.


oskrbovalne verige;vitka logistika;naročniška proizvodnja;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UNG PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Publisher: [L. Kovačič]
UDC: 658.5
COBISS: 4812539 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4537
Downloads: 314
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Arrangements of the logistics in the company Intra Lighting
Secondary abstract: Goal of a company is to satisfy desires of the customers as fast as it can and in the meantime to generate the maximum profit as possible. It's crucial that in every process in the sistem, not only in the manufacturing but also on the other areas, company tries to work with the lowest possible costs and maximum effectivenes and in the meanwhile maintain the balance. This has been neglected and this is what is the purpose of this thesis to examine current state of the supply production with the materials and to arange the company's logistic in the way that will make the supply chain as much optimised as possible. For the optimatization we've chosen one of the main parts of the lamp. Supply chain of them is quite complex and our goal is to low the costs with the arrangment of the logistic and to gain the time. Whole supply chain will be presented from the subcontractor to the manufacturing and at the end to the possible solutions. With the suggested solutions the manufacturing time, costs of the cooperation will be reduced and the communication with the cooperant will be simplified. Instead of transmiting work to the cooperation, will be presented also a possibility of introduction of its own implementation.
Secondary keywords: Supply chain;lean logistics;pull sistem;production order;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Novi Gorici, Poslovno-tehniška fak.
Pages: X, 48 str.
ID: 10843457
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